[hpsdr] JTAG programming of Ozy, Mercury-EU
Erich Heinzle
vk5hse at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 16 03:47:44 PST 2012
Hello all,
I just did a clean installation of Win XP on a spare box for PowerSDR use with my Ozy/Mercury-EU/Penelope/Excalibur based HPSDR.
The wiki needs a few updates:
First of all, after a clean installation of Windows XP SP2, you will then need:
Windows Imaging Components
Windows Installer 3.1
.NET Framework 1.1
.NET 2.0 SP1
.NET 4.0
for the PowerSDR 2.2.5 (W5WC) installer to be able to proceed, as well, of course, as installation of USBIO.exe
Secondly, the Altera software is now v12.1, affecting the path to the JTAG programming software.
Accordingly, The Mercury and Penelope programming batch files need the following modifications to accommodate this:
For Program-Penelope-EPCS4.bat the following three blocks of text need to be added (the locations in the batch files should be obvious):
ECHO C. Quartus v12.1
IF /I '%Choice%'=='C' GOTO Q121
SET DIRECTORY=c:\altera\12.1\qprogrammer\bin\quartus_pgm
Similarly, for the Program-Mercury-EPCS16.bat the following six additions are needed (again, the locations in the batch files should be obvious):
ECHO C. Quartus v12.1
IF /I '%Choice%'=='C' GOTO Q121
SET DIRECTORY=c:\altera\12.1\qprogrammer\bin\quartus_pgm
ECHO Oeu. Program using Mercury_eu_v3.3
IF /I '%Choice%'=='Oeu' GOTO ItemOEU
%DIRECTORY% -c USB-Blaster mercury_EU_v3.3.cdf
Finally, the svn is missing a full set of Mercury-EU JTAG programming files, and a cdf file needs to be generated with a text edit of the TAPR Mercury.cdf file, adjusting the relevent file name to match the Mercury-EU firmware.
Once the changes described above were made, it all worked.
I'd update the wiki and svn myself but I don't think I have a login.
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