[hpsdr] SunSDR2 - new TRX

Joe Martin K5SO k5so at valornet.com
Sun Jun 3 13:00:13 PDT 2012

Hi Werner,  

The short answer is NO.  

The reason is that separate, independent antenna inputs to multiple, independent ADCs is required to do phasing work.  Hermes has only a single ADC and a single antenna input.  

That fact is the reason there has been a bit of discussion regarding the possibility of developing a multiple-ADC board, not for Hermes, but for DF and phasing applications in general with the standard HPSDR Atlas bus.  

Multiple Rx on Hermes allows the user to tune to multiple frequencies independently anywhere in the roughly 0-60MHz range but they are not suitable for phasing work as there is only one input port for the rf signal into the Hermes board so it is not possible to measure differences in phase angle between signals arriving at different antennas in the DF/steering antenna array. 

73,  Joe K5SO

On Jun 3, 2012, at 1:48 PM, Werner Karn wrote:

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Alex, Joe,
> will this also allow for direction finding and antenna steering per software ? 4 or7 receivers on the same frequency should allow for a good gain in wanted and nulling in unwanted direction. 
> 73,
> Werner


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