[hpsdr] Panadapter scrolling in PowerSDR...

n3evl n3evl at townisp.com
Wed Mar 21 15:44:21 PDT 2012

Re: PowerSDR v 2.2.3 (W5WC - 2/10/12) RX2 versus 2.2.3 (B) (W5WC - 9/25/11)

I've noticed an apparent change in the behavior of the Panadapter when 
scrolling left or right when tuning.

I typically run the Panadapter with some amount of averaging (750mS) and 
typically use a 1KHz or 500Hz step size when using SSB.

I've noticed when tuning/scrolling e.g. using the mouse wheel, that the 
signal levels across the display area momentarily drop making it hard to 
estimate if you've moved the mouse wheel enough clicks to bring the 
signal of interest into the passband - so I find myself overshooting or 
doing click-stop-click-stop to determine where the signal now is 
relative to the passband.  If I turn averaging off, the real-time 
response to tuning adjustments is better.

I've experimented with different amounts of averaging time but cannot 
find a suitable value.

I've compared behavior with the older version of PowerSDR mentioned 
above and the behavior is quite different.

I'm wondering if something changed in how the display is refreshed to 
accommodate the 2nd RX window (although this behavior is apparent  even 
when RX2 is not activated.

I'm using WinXP SP3, single Mercury, Penelope, Metis,  Excalibur - usual 

73, Pete, N3EVL

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