[hpsdr] Hermes build notes

Stijn Nestra stijn at pe1rks.nl
Fri Feb 22 08:03:34 PST 2013

Hello Jeremy,

You are absolutely right, never really thought over my question.

73 de Stijn

Op 22-02-13 04:45, Jeremy McDermond schreef:
> On Feb 20, 2013, at 6:59 AM, Stijn Nestra <stijn at pe1rks.nl> wrote:
>> It would be nice if someone from TAPR would publish the Final version of the BOM and schematic, as build.
> TAPR never has published any of the schematics nor BOMs for any of the HPSDR projects.  This has traditionally been up to the project leader to make sure things are published for folks.  That's why there are no schematics on tapr.org, only on openhpsdr.org.
>> Greetings,
>> Stijn Nestra
> --
> Jeremy McDermond (NH6Z)
> Xenotropic Systems
> mcdermj at xenotropic.com


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