[hpsdr] [OT] Embedded systems report
Berndt Josef Wulf
wulf at ping.net.au
Mon Jun 3 10:02:34 PDT 2013
G'day Ken,
I knew this... :-)
but this is a very interesting trend:
The trends continues, as less and less Embedded projects use commercial
operating systems, and companies opt more and more for open source
operating systems, and in 2013, the survey shows that most projects are
likely to use an open-source OS without commercial support. The top 3
reasons for choosing a commercial OS is real-time capability, good
software tools, and processor & hardware compatibility.
God bless the open source community...
73, Berndt
A *BSD, Linux and FSF advocate
On Mon, 2013-06-03 at 11:42 -0500, Ken N9VV wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> <URL:
> http://www.cnx-software.com/2013/05/21/2013-embedded-market-study-software-development-processors/
> >
> Interesting to see how C# is doing.
> Python was chosen for the HiQSDR project by N2ADR and DB1CC.
> read down page to see which O/S is selected for new projects.
> Maybe Windows-8 will wipe this slate clean at Christmas 2013?
> dit dit
> de Ken N9VV
> --
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