[hpsdr] Hermes Host ID

Alfred Green nu8i at cox.net
Fri Mar 8 19:23:39 PST 2013

On 3/8/2013 3:58 PM, Ken N9VV wrote:
> Do you have "20+ devices on your LAN" ???
When I was a wee lad I'd never dream such a thing would come to pass  ...

As has since been pointed out, and you have acknowledged, it is not 
really a limitation any more. All my LAN connections are via GigE 
switches in any case. Most are actually low bandwidth stuff, like 
printers, camera, Kindle, etc. Other than the occasional bit of intense 
PC access the only real BW hog is movie streaming via Netflix. Yesterday 
evening I tested it by running two receivers on Hermes, one at 384k and 
the other at 192k with the highest resolution FFT on each, and saw no 
trace of glitching on the movie feed. I don't have any real way of 
looking at true LAN loading, but I expect such tools exist.

I don't think my system is that unusual. I was at my older son's house 
this evening, and we counted 12 of the kids' toys that had wireless 
connections. Heck, even his fridge has an IP address.

Anyhoo, this is getting a bit off-topic, and I still have a blank Host ID.

73,  Alf  NU8I


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