[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2013/Oct/19

AA8K73 GMail aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 18 18:42:30 PDT 2013

The 19/Oct TeamSpeak mp3 (23 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:

< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=1430 >


< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >

Do to my time constraint today, the only editing is this is 
silence truncation.

Text to follow

20:02:11>  *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"

21:09:33> "Mike - AA8K": Censor?  Who, me?  :)

21:10:13> "Warren - NR0V": I know you only remove the irrelevant 

21:16:01> "John - AJ6BC": I have a question that I hope isn't 
too orthogonal.

21:16:53> "John - AJ6BC": Can we work with MARS?  I searched the 
archives and saw some mention of this - but will PowerSDR 
prevent transmission on
MARS HF if it falls out of the regular HAM bands?

21:18:57> "Ken N9VV": John see SETUP REGIONS and select 
"EXTENDED" to be able to Tx on ANY frequency for which you are 

21:19:12> "John - AJ6BC": Oh - good!

21:19:33> "John - AJ6BC": Just need to check SWR at those 

21:19:43> "Ken N9VV": R R R

21:21:43> "Warren - NR0V": 73, dinner time here.

21:22:27> "Ken N9VV": "Edson Pereira, PU1SDR, N1VTN, JF1AFN "
<ewpereira at gmail.com>

21:24:50> "Ken N9VV": Edson was an IBM Contract programmer in 
Japan for several yrs. Now returned to his "Hacienda" in Brazil

21:25:40> "John - AJ6BC": Cool!

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