[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/June/21

AA8K73 GMail aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 19:16:09 PDT 2014

The 21/June TeamSpeak mp3 (44 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:

< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=3490 >


< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >

Only silence truncation editing was done on this recording.

Session text follows

<20:07:49> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"

<21:04:34> "Greg ZL3IX": Happy travels Phil!

<21:05:13> "Phil-VK6PH": Thanks Greg - did you get your 10MHz 
clock working OK

<21:06:30> "Greg ZL3IX": That's a job for tmw.  Shouldn't be a 
problem, as I think I did the PLL mod
last update

<21:07:56> "Ken N9VV": -

<21:10:12> "Greg ZL3IX": 73 all

<21:12:03> "Dave - KV0S": golang.org

<21:14:17> "Ken N9VV": ARM CPU running Melton "HPSDR" or Alex 
:glxSDR" seem to be very promising on Android Tablet

<21:33:58> "Ken N9VV":

<21:34:18> "Ken N9VV":

<21:34:38> "Dan-N4XWE": or try
www.remotehams.com for a commercial solution

<21:34:52> "Ken N9VV": oops .... University of Twente, Enschede, NL

<21:37:16> "Dave - KV0S":

<21:44:26> "Dan-N4XWE": The list is the message section of a 
Google Group called sdr-widget

<21:49:51> "Ken N9VV": Watch out for Windoze "Parked Cores"

<21:51:15> "Ken N9VV":
http://www.thewindowsclub.com/enable-disable-core-parking-windows >

<21:51:28> "Ken N9VV": Teamviewer

<21:52:00> "Ken N9VV": Liability issue if you BSOD their system

<21:52:49> "Ken N9VV": At the UofC we (IT) were not allowed to 
let any Sys Admin work on a "Home Computer" remotely.

<21:54:02> "Dan-N4XWE": I guess I am an Outlaw.

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