[hpsdr] Angelia_v3.8 firmware package

Joe Martin K5SO k5so at valornet.com
Sun Jun 29 19:55:12 PDT 2014


Angelia_v3.8 is available for download from 


This version fixes an inter-clock-domain timing bug that prevented Ref Power from being reported properly in Angelia_v3.7.  

Thanks for the feedback alerting me to the issue.  

Oftentimes, as was the case here, detecting these types of timing bugs is challenging as the Quartus II timing wizard does not detect/report them when it compiles the Verilog design and fits/places the firmware design into the FPGA.  Therefore, user feedback of actual performance of the firmware in the field is sometimes the only method we have of finding out that a problem even exists, as in this case.  

73,  Joe K5SO

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