[hpsdr] Hermes and EB104 Field Day

Sid Boyce g3vbv at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jun 30 07:48:49 PDT 2014

Excellent Tim,
I still haven't got around to the Mic issue with ghpsdr3-alex, busy with 
other hardware/software stuff - parallela-16, ODROID-U3, etc.

Andrea supplied a replacement file for 
ghpsdr3-alex/trunk/src/server/ozy.c that has not yet been merged but it 
switches the eb104.ru BPF and LPF filters using Hermes J16.

My hopes of 300W TX rest with ghpsdr3-alex and Hermann's yet to be 
released cuSDR.
73 ... Sid.

On 30/06/14 13:39, Tim ORourke wrote:
> Used the above combination in full attack mode all weekend.
> Never a glitch!
> Ran CW for 26 hours straight and never even warmed up the heat sink!
> I did dial back to 150W as that was max for field day.
> Every year prior I always had a SW/FW or hardware issue, not this year.
> Hermes case does get warm but does not seem to be an issue.
> Finally a great portable FD and JOTA SDR station I can count on!!
> Hermes, Eb104 300W amp, N3FJP logger, DDutil, VSP, VAC, MP40, Winkey3, all played nice together!!!
> Tim
> Tim O'Rourke
> W4YN at ARRL.Net
> Low Power Amateur Radio Rocks
> Member of Flying Pigs,ARCI,GQRP,RSGB,ARRL Life Member
> NHRA Life Member

Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
Emeritus IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support
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