[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/March/08
AA8K73 GMail
aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 21:25:46 PST 2014
NOTE: next week's TeamSpeak session will be starting one hour
earlier, due to the great effort in most of the U.S.A. to "save"
The 8/March TeamSpeak mp3 (62 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=3464 >
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >
The audio in this session was leveled with Levelator.
This session: status reports, issues, Pure Signal realistic
effect limit, stress testing the 300,000 Logical Element array
with many receivers to determine power consumption, new CW keyer
design and amplifier switching.
Session text follows
20:40:36> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
21:13:07> "Greg ZL3IX": Will the new CW be QSK ready Phil?
21:13:53> "Phil-VK6PH": Subject to delays in the Rx path DSP code
21:18:38> "Greg ZL3IX": True about keying features. I use my
own external keyer anyway
21:19:58> "Ken N9VV": Greg, I can't hear my WinKeyUSB (K1EL)
sidetone with headphones on to listen to the rig. These changes
sound like they will open a whole new SDR world to CW ops I am
very encouraged.
21:21:13> "Greg ZL3IX": I also use K1EL, but I use the PowerSDR
21:24:43> "John - AJ6BC": Scotty - I just reviewed your:
http://www.tapr.org/pdf/2010-WA2DFI-DesignForManufacturability.pdf >
21:26:08> "Scotty WA2DFI": what did you think?
21:26:13> "John - AJ6BC": Where are the HPSDR-'Stick' schematics?
21:26:19> "John - AJ6BC": Pretty good.
21:27:24> "Bill - KD5TFD": love those empirically determined
21:34:02> "John - AJ6BC": Guys - can you post the URL to the paper?
21:43:42> "Bill - KD5TFD": We forgot to mention ... US changes
clocks this weekend
21:44:28> "Dave - KV0S": Yes I was going to mention that as
well. so we move to 1:00 UTC
21:44:31> "Bill - KD5TFD": We're moving forward an hour, so
folks not changing time TS will be an hour earlier (I think)
21:46:24> "John - AJ6BC": Dave L. - is this a good e-mail for
you: kv0s.dave at gmail.com ?
21:48:44> "Dave - KV0S": Yes that address is good.
21:49:07> "John - AJ6BC": Did you get my last two e-mails? One
sent end of Jan, one sent today?
21:50:44> "John - AJ6BC": Great news Phil!
21:50:56> "Ken N9VV": Vision in both my eyes with "IOL" is
better than all my adult life!
21:52:14> "Dave - KV0S": John, Yes I did but I have a little
busy at work, I usually work on Radio mostly on weekends, Sorry
21:52:16> "Ken N9VV": N1EU says delay is only a "problem" if you
21:52:52> "Bill - KD5TFD": sharper the filter, longer the delay
.... basic dsp/physics
21:53:05> "John - AJ6BC": Dave - it is OK - just wondering if
you got the e-mail. Glad it made it OK. No rush but let me know.
21:54:32> "Ken N9VV": 21:59:50> "Ken N9VV": Real World Ten-Tec
Jupiter model #538 REAL QSK rig for sale <n9vv at wowway.com>
22:00:49> "Dave - KV0S": I need to go, talk to you next week.73
22:00:52> "Ken N9VV": K1EL has "Paddle sensitivity" to overcome
bounce and problems with Begali paddles
22:00:55> "Warren - NR0V": 73 --- dinner time
22:01:03> "Scotty WA2DFI": 73 warren
22:03:53> "Ken N9VV": *****
22:04:51> "John - AJ6BC": That looks interesting.
22:05:41> "Ken N9VV": ARRL Analog rig T/R tests:
22:05:49> "Rick - VE3MM": 73 all
22:05:55> "John - AJ6BC": 73's.
22:06:59> "John - AJ6BC": That is really interesting Ken.
22:08:16> "Ken N9VV": Doesn't it take a MOSFET/LDMOS PA take
some ms to get to full power?
22:09:45> "Ken N9VV": Little pezio buzzer to generate sidetone
22:11:15> "Ken N9VV": Ah - FB FB, thanks Phil
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