[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/May/17
AA8K73 GMail
aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri May 16 19:49:33 PDT 2014
The 17/May TeamSpeak mp3 (38 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=3483 >
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >
Only silence truncation editing was done on this recording.
Note: A recent Windows Update silently turns on Windows Firewall
Session text follows
20:13:49> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
21:01:31> "Bill - KD5TFD": Suspect you can find the talk here:
21:03:24> "Bill - KD5TFD": all sending dsp ... still doing a tad
of receiving dsp I bet
21:03:50> "Ken N9VV": CW in FPGA is just amazing! what a treat.
21:06:10> "Ken N9VV": First test of new "Nvidia Jetson TK1" SBC
are very promising ....
21:07:12> "Ken N9VV": R.I.P. CW.dll :_)
21:07:15> "Ken N9VV": 21:08:16> "Terry WB4JFI": Chris Testa 2012
21:09:51> "Bill - KD5TFD": Try powersdr 2>&1 >run.log?
21:10:16> "Ken N9VV": Run P*SDR as Administrator
21:12:11> "Ken N9VV": Windows-8.1 update on Tuesday broke 3.2.10
on my desktop
21:12:31> "Ken N9VV": Error message forwarded to Doug
21:13:22> "Terry WB4JFI": Chris Testa github "whitebox"
21:14:06> "Ken N9VV": Yes, there is a PowerUser utility that
allows you to open CMD with RIGHT CLICK on any FOLDER
21:14:54> "Bill - KD5TFD": that's something I'm very bad at
offering advice on since I"m still mostly a command line person
21:15:23> "Bill - KD5TFD": sort of odd ... cw is to voice as cli
is to gui
21:15:28> "Ken N9VV":
21:16:05> "Ken N9VV":
21:16:07> "Bill - KD5TFD": neat .. new knowledge nugget of the day
21:18:40> "Ken N9VV": Yeah, that is it
21:20:54> "Ken N9VV": hehehehe
21:21:48> "Ken N9VV": rename
21:22:23> "Rob - VE3EW": Phil did un get my mail about d10&11 on
21:25:00> "Terry WB4JFI": And a link to Chris Testa (?) Whitebox
radio site:
21:29:42> "Ken N9VV": me too
21:31:54> "Bill - KD5TFD": powersdr >r.log 2>e.log
21:43:50> "John - AJ6BC": Win/NSA Probe Enabler.
21:44:06> "Bill - KD5TFD": he he
21:44:11> "John - AJ6BC": Same thing happened to me when doing
some updates this week.
21:44:48> "John - AJ6BC": (And) the Win Firewall always seems to
start before the firewall software that you want - interesting
how that works.
21:45:10> "Bill - KD5TFD": or you got the route of I don't need
no stinking firewall!
21:45:43> "John - AJ6BC": Yes - that too - but then someone else
could probe your system, and they can't have that.
21:46:10> "John - AJ6BC": Hi Hi
21:46:29> "Bill - KD5TFD": ya ... I've got an entry firewall, so
don't run fwalls behind my entry firewall on machines that don't
go out and about
21:48:16> "Mike - AA8K": Bill, do you have WiFi on your LAN?
21:48:28> "John - AJ6BC": Yes - I used to have a double-NAT with
firewall and DMZ, but that was back when all of my machines were
ethernet only. Since all machines have 802.11x now, I have to
also run something local.
21:48:33> "Bill - KD5TFD": yes ... separate segment
21:48:44> "Mike - AA8K": Good planning!
21:48:50> "Bill - KD5TFD": why .. do you not use wpa or some such?
21:49:13> "Bill - KD5TFD": separate segment for me is just cause
I'm a tin foil hat wearing paranoid!
21:49:50> "Mike - AA8K": Just because you are paranoid does not
mean that they are not after you. :)
21:49:57> "John - AJ6BC": Any point of ingress is a potential
entry point for hackers/NSA probes.
21:52:04> "Mike - AA8K": Microsoft, bless them, turned on my
firewall on Windows 7 too.
21:53:43> "John - AJ6BC": or NAN.
22:00:06> "Warren - NR0V": 73, my wife and I are going to enjoy
some good Japanese food now.
22:00:19> "Bill - KD5TFD": 73 warren
22:00:23> "John - AJ6BC": 73's Warren.
22:12:15> "Ken N9VV": Bill - "PowerSDR.exe 2>x.txt 1>y.txt runs
normally in Windows-7
22:12:32> "Bill - KD5TFD": normally == there's ouput
22:12:36> "Bill - KD5TFD": >
22:12:37> "Bill - KD5TFD": ?
22:13:36> "Ken N9VV": now text in both x.txt and y.txt
22:14:09> "Bill - KD5TFD": interesting ... redirection does not
work on win8??!?! Bizarre
22:14:20> "Phil-VK6PH": int recv = socket.Receive(data);
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