[hpsdr] ANAN-100 sometimes no TX, after upgrade to 2.9b/3.0 and 3.2.19
Bill Diaz
william.diaz at comcast.net
Wed Oct 29 11:31:55 PDT 2014
I had an intermittent transmit problem with the ANAN-100D, similar
to what you have described. Activating PTT resulted in no SSB RF power
output at times. I also noticed the FAN noise changed pitch when the
radio was successfully keyed. This issue was traced to a poor 13.8VDC
connection at the power supply terminals. Once the 13.8VDC voltage drop
was corrected, my intermittent PTT issue was resolved. Now the fan
noise barely changes when the radio is keyed and all is well with PTT.
Bill KC9XG.
On 10/29/2014 1:18 PM, Mike Sch. (IMAP Acct.) wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Helmut;
> I thank you for your reply to my plea for assistance!!
> No, the "Disable PTT" is not checked. If this was checked, I'd NEVER
> be able to transmit via my mic's PTT, as you know.
> You see, the PTT ALWAYS WORKS AS EXPECTED when I press the PTT on my
> mic. (The radio goes to TX mode, just sometimes it emits no RF power.)
> Only at times, there is NO RF that is being produced by the radio.
> (This happens one out of every ten times, maybe...)
> I will add that my ANAN-100's VOX seems to never have the "no RF power
> output, when the PTT is pressed in SSB mode" issue!! Maybe this is a
> clue to someone?
> Thank you again, and very 73! -Mike- K0JTA
> On 10/29/14, 12:24 PM [Oct 29], Helmut wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> no special recommendations from my side, but I have never seen the
>> issues
>> you are describing. The current FW v.3.0 ( I also used a Beta test
>> version
>> before) together with PowerSDR mRX 3.2.19 works absolutely fine in my
>> Hermes
>> environment. Are you really sure that you did not check e.g. PTT
>> 'disabled'
>> under setup/options? In that case PTTout is working, but no RF will be
>> transmitted.
>> 73, Helmut, DC6NY
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Hpsdr [mailto:hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org] Im Auftrag von
>> Mike
>> Sch. (IMAP Acct.)
>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2014 17:14
>> An: hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
>> Betreff: [hpsdr] ANAN-100 sometimes no TX, after upgrade to 2.9b/3.0 and
>> 3.2.19
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