[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/Sep/20
AA8K73 GMail
aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 19 19:24:05 PDT 2014
The 20/Sep TeamSpeak mp3 (54 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=3516 >
< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >
Only silence truncation editing was done on this recording.
Session text follows
<20:22:30> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"
<21:08:27> "Bill - KD5TFD": are they potentially @ different
sampling rates?
<21:09:31> "Bill - KD5TFD": well isn't that swiss army knife like!
<21:13:54> "Bill - KD5TFD": so this is a wireless gizmo
<21:15:01> "Bill - KD5TFD": This the card Dan:
<21:16:16> "Dan - N4XWE": Yes that is it. I bought it and the
antennas and cables from Amazon.
<21:16:48> "Bill - KD5TFD": there's also an HMWG version ..
.. >
<21:19:20> "Dan - N4XWE": The specific one I bought is
< http://amzn.com/B00DMCVKMU > It is a little confusing because
of all of the variations.
<21:19:52> "Bill - KD5TFD": ack
<21:22:48> "Mike - AA8K": [OT] Bill, CoCoRaHS is good science;
data collection for your location. Most of my reports are zero,
but zero is information - no report is not. If your measurement
is between 5 AM and 9 AM, it will appear on the map as well.
I'm surprised how precipitation varies between my location and
another CoCoRaHS volunteer a couple of miles away.
<21:23:43> "Ken N9VV": Link to Netson WiFi board info:
< http://elinux.org/Jetson/Network_Adapters >
<21:24:34> "Bill - KD5TFD": ya .. we had an interesting thing
with rain here last week ... I got 1.75 in of rain in about 25
mins .. buddy 1-2 miles away got 0.3 ... amazing to have such a
diff in such a small space .. looked it up on the cocorahs maps
and sure enough there was a little band there with 1.5-2 in of rain
<21:25:48> "Bill - KD5TFD": I also looked into blitzortung ..
looks like they're not shipping hardware until next year ...
making revisions to the hw it sounded like
<21:26:06> "Dan - N4XWE": When I lived in Florida it was not
unheard of to have an inch of rain on one side of the street and
nothing on the other.
<21:29:19> "Ken N9VV": OpenHPSDR updates always found here:
< http://openhpsdr.org/download.php >
<21:30:10> "Ken N9VV": Always RESET your DATABASE as stated in
the README from Doug that comes with each rev.
<21:32:25> "Ken N9VV": Bottom of SETUP MENU
<21:35:44> "Mike - AA8K": Fascinating!
<21:36:00> "Dan - N4XWE": Of course my comments are based on
hearsay and have never been scientifically verified. But there
is a lot of that going around in meteorology and climatology
these days.
<21:37:54> "Greg ZL3IX": OK, I have PSDR3219, so will go back to
remote site and firstly try resetting the 32166 DB, then if that
doesn't work, installing 3219. Phil, I will let you know by
e-mail how it goes.
<21:39:02> "Bill - KD5TFD": Perfectly clear: As mentioned
earlier, propagation of pulsar signals through the tenuous
plasma of the ISM produces dispersion of the pulses. .... from
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