[hpsdr] Updated KISS Konsole for Cross-platform Execution
Sid Boyce
g3vbv at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Sep 11 08:32:58 PDT 2014
Hi Chris,
With monodevelop:-
Open K9TRV/KISSKonsoleUnified/Unified/KISS Konsole Unified.sln
Select KISS Konsole in the left hand margin - ignore the SharpDSP error.
Build --> Build KISS Konsole or press F7.
You see the build progressing and ending with some Warnings and no errors.
As usual the binary is K9TRV/KISSKonsoleUnified/Unified/bin/Debug/KISS
73 ... Sid.
On 11/09/14 16:05, Chris Smith wrote:
> Sid
> I'm not familiar with monodevelop so didn't know there was more than one way of skinning this particular cat!
> Anyway you've proved that John's patch doesn't kill the code under Linux and I'm unlikely to use OS X to run KK so it's probably time I bowed out of this particular thread. But at least I now have a way to use my Atlas based kit for both Rx & Tx.
> Thanks one and all.
> BTW I'm going into hospital tomorrow (12th) for an op on my right hand which will render it fairly useless for a few weeks. As I'm right-handed, using a mouse with my left hand is going to be problematic so please excuse me if I don't always respond to posts promptly.
> Cheers & 73
> Chris G4NUX
> On 11 Sep 2014, at 13:11, Sid Boyce <g3vbv at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> Hi Chris,
>> I got the same 6 Warnings and 1 error using xbuild on openSUSE and Kubuntu.
>> No errors with monodevelop - built it on openSUSE and copied everything over to another openSUSE box and Kubuntu. Both AOK.
>> I eventually found the config file - ~/".config\OpenHPSDR\KISS Konsole\KK.csv" I had to enclose it in " " in order to view it.
>> It does not reflect current settings - a save option is needed.
>> 73 ... Sid.
>> On 11/09/14 10:22, Chris Smith wrote:
>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>>> John
>>> I found the svn patch problem. The previous patch required the cwd to be Unified. This new patch requires the cwd to be one level higher. So I was able to apply the patch but the xbuild threw up the following error under Ubuntu 14.04:
>>> Errors:
>>> /home/chris/kiss/KISSKonsoleUnified/Unified/KISS Konsole Unified.sln (default targets) ->
>>> (Build target) ->
>>> /home/chris/kiss/KISSKonsoleUnified/KISSKonsoleSetup/KISSKonsoleSetup.wixproj (default targets) ->
>>> /home/chris/kiss/KISSKonsoleUnified/KISSKonsoleSetup/KISSKonsoleSetup.wixproj: error : Target named 'Build' not found in the project.
>>> 6 Warning(s)
>>> 1 Error(s)
>>> 73, Chris
>>> On 11 Sep 2014, at 09:52, Chris Smith <chris at vspl.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> John
>>>> Don't know if I'm missing something here but I can't get the patch to apply to the svn from that path (517). Consequently I can't build this on either OS X or Ubuntu 14.04
>>>> Building the "unpatched" source gets me:
>>>> Errors:
>>>> /Users/chris/Development/HPSDR/kiss/KISSKonsoleUnified/Unified/KISS Konsole Unified.sln (default targets) ->
>>>> (Build target) ->
>>>> /Users/chris/Development/HPSDR/kiss/KISSKonsoleUnified/KISSKonsoleSetup/KISSKonsoleSetup.wixproj: error : /Users/chris/Development/HPSDR/kiss/KISSKonsoleUnified/KISSKonsoleSetup/KISSKonsoleSetup.wixproj: /Users/chris/Development/HPSDR/kiss/KISSKonsoleUnified/KISSKonsoleSetup/KISSKonsoleSetup.wixproj could not import "$(WixTargetsPath)"
>>>> 6 Warning(s)
>>>> 1 Error(s)
>>>> 73, Chris
>>>> On 10 Sep 2014, at 23:26, John Laur <johnlaur at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> I am happy to report that it is technically possible to run KISS Konsole on Mac OS!
>>>>> Again sorry for the delay. Attached is the patch that fixes the networking error on OS X. The original problem was that the netmask property of the network interface is not implemented by Mono, so a try/catch was added if the native property fails. This workaround code did not work on Mac because the interface address family is not duplicated into the sockaddr_in struct as it is in Linux. However from the documentation I believe my approach will work on both platforms.
>>>>> The patch applies to the svn under branches/K9TRV/KISSKonsoleUnified Before committing it to SVN would someone please confirm that the code still works on Linux to retrieve the interface netmask? I do not have a Linux environment set up for this kind of thing.
>>>>> A screenshot of KK running under OS X 10.9 Mavericks is here goo.gl/IK3LMc
>>>>> Performance is OK but MonoMac's implementation of Windows.Forms is both poor and buggy. Since the implementation is done with Carbon, this limits the application to 32 bit which reduces the performance of FFTW somewhat on this platform. One problem is that the waterfall display doe not work at all. Also, radio discovery only seems to use the primary network interface. I am not sure if that is the way KK is implemented or not? I only had 20 minutes or so to work on this last night so I just endeavored to see if I could actually get it to run. Because of the issues with windows forms and the discovery this is still a ways off from what I would call 'usable' on this platform, but it's sure a cool toy. If I have more time I may will probably play with it further.
>>>>> IMO the first class approach would probably be to abstract the UI a bit more and build something native for each platform we wanted to support instead of relying on Windows.Forms emulation. This incidentally could open up the possibility of KK running on mobile devices if a UI were built in Ximian.Forms.
>>>>> 73, John KF5SAB
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 12:37 PM, George Byrkit <ghbyrkit at chartermi.net> wrote:
>>>>> Dear John,
>>>>> Please also send a copy of your patch, or as a text file (no html...) to my email address
>>>>> so that I can get it into the KISS code in a reasonable way, ASAP, to that all can pull
>>>>> from my dev tree and have success.
>>>>> 73,
>>>>> George K9TRV
>>>>> <kk-kf5sab-osx.patch>
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>> Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
>> Emeritus IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support
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>> Microsoft Windows Free Zone - Linux used for all Computing Tasks
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Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
Emeritus IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support
Senior Staff Specialist, Cricket Coach
Microsoft Windows Free Zone - Linux used for all Computing Tasks
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