[hpsdr] WG: Audio distortions during zoom/pan panadapter display_2
Scott Traurig
scott.traurig at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 07:09:11 PST 2015
The CODEC is not involved for any audio going through the so-called VAC
interface that is part of openHPSDR. The path for audio in the openHPSDR
environment is perhaps non-obvious and many people don't realize all audio
flows up and down the Ethernet through openHPSDR regardless of where it is
sourced or sinked.
Path to obtain receive audio from radio speaker/headphone/line connectors:
RF-to-ADC-to-FGPA (DDC to bandwidth of your choice, e.g.
192KHz)-to-Ethernet (transporting IF, not audio)-to-PC (where openHPSDR
software demodulates the selected passband, controls volume, squelch,
applies EQ, etc.)-to-Ethernet-to-FPGA-to-CODEC-to-speakers/headphones/line
Path for receive audio from VAC: same as above except ...PC (where
openHPSDR software demodulates the selected passband, controls volume,
squelch, applies EQ, etc.)-to-openHPSDR Windows audio driver (ASIO,
Directsound, MME, WDM)-to-Windows operating
system-to-speakers/headphones/virtual connections.
The transmit audio takes similar routes.
Path for transmit audio from radio mic/line connectors:
mic/line-to-CODEC-to-FPGA-to-Ethernet-to-PC (where openHPSDR applies EQ,
COMP, VOX, DEXP, Leveler, CESSB, ALC and modulates the IF for
transmission)-to-Ethernet (transporting the IF, not audio)-to-FPGA (DUC to
Path for transmit audio from VAC: same as above but starts like
this...mic/line-to-Windows audio device-to-Windows operating
system-to-openHPSDR Windows audio driver (ASIO, etc.)-to-openHPSDR...
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Helmut <dc6ny at gmx.de> wrote:
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> Sorry for tipo: …TLV320
>> *Von:* Hpsdr [mailto:hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org] *Im Auftrag von *
>> Helmut
>> *Gesendet:* Montag, 30. November 2015 08:21
>> *An:* 'Anupam Prasad'; hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
>> *Betreff:* Re: [hpsdr] Audio distortions during zoom/pan panadapter
>> display_2
>> Hi,
>> Eager to climb up the learning curve: I thought the on-board audio codec
>> TL320 is controlled by USB protocols as part of the Ethernet protocol. How
>> can I run the ASIO transfer protocol?
>> 73, Helmut
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