[hpsdr] PowerSDR/OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.4.1 released
Doug W5WC
w5wc at windstream.net
Fri Jun 2 09:11:04 PDT 2017
Greetings All,
PowerSDR mRX 3.4.1 is a very significant release. There's lots of new
functionality, some major enhancements, and a few fixes. Changes are
described below. Enjoy the release!
Download here:
<https://github.com/TAPR/OpenHPSDR-PowerSDR/releases> <PowerSDR mRX PS
Doug, W5WC
Chris, W2PA
Warren, NR0V
Database Enhancements that you've ALL been waiting for! (Courtesy of Chris,
To make it easier to retain settings from one release to the next, the
Import Database function has been re-written. You no longer have to
re-create your settings, either in the main window or in the various Setup
options, when you install a new version of OpenSDR-PowerSDR mRX PS.
When you start up a new release for the first time, the program will detect
that your database file was created by a previous version and attempt to
create a new database version from it. The first thing that happens is a
database reset, so that you start with a fresh one that's completely valid
for the current release, and then the program closes as always for a reset.
When you re-start it, if the old database file is intact and was working
with the previous release, it should import fine and a pop-up window will
tell you it succeeded. When you close this info window by clicking "OK" the
program will start-up normally and have all your previous settings and
options, looking just like it did before you upgraded to the new version.
The old version of your database file is saved unchanged in the DB_Archive
folder, and a new database.xml file replaces it in same place it was before.
There should no longer be any need for Setup window screen shots.
If desired, you can still open the Setup window, manually reset the database
using the "Reset Database" button, and then import another valid database
file by clicking the "Import Database" button, or start personalizing from
scratch as before.
The new database importer also checks for badly corrupted database files and
rejects them, directing the user to reset and start over, or try importing
another database file that is known to have functioned in the past. In most
cases, even with a very old database file, at least some of the previous
settings and options will be imported.
In addition to handling complete database files created in an old release,
the new Import Database function in Setup lets you import *partial*
databases, too. This means if you have a database file that contains a
subset of settings or options, the Import function will simply add them to
what is already present in the running database (still requiring a re-start,
as usual). For example, if you have a database (XML) file containing a
single Transmit Profile definition, you can send it to a friend and they can
import it so they can use your customized profile too.
Therefore, to support this kind of TXProfile sharing, there is also a new
button in the Setup - Transmit tab labeled "Export Current Profile." When
clicked, it produces this kind of XML file containing only the currently
selected Transmit Profile. The file will be stored in the same directory
where your database.xml file is located, and given a file name that's the
same as the exported transmit profile's name. You can then send it to
another ham for import into their own database using the Import Profile
button in Setup.
To summarize, the following controls in the Setup - Transmit tab support
working with transmit profiles and databases:
1) The "Profiles" section at the upper left, where you can select which
profile is the current one from your personal collection. This is where you
can also save a profile you've just set up, under a new name, or delete one
you no longer need.
2) The "More Profiles" section at the upper right. When you check the "More
Profiles" checkbox, you get a scrollable list of additional default profiles
that come with the installation. You can then bring the one you highlight
(click on) into your own group of profiles (see #1) by clicking the
"Include" button just below this list.
3) At the center extreme right side is a new button labeled "Export Current
Profile" that you can use to export the currently active transmit profile
(see #1) to send to someone or archive for yourself.
4) At lower left are three Database buttons that operate as before, except
the "Import Database" function can now be used to import transmit profiles
that were produced by the Export button - either by you or someone else.
(These three buttons appear no matter what tab you've selected in setup.)
In addition to using Setup, you can select which of your saved profiles is
to be used as the current (operational) profile in the main window using the
pull-down list at lower right near the other audio controls, which appears
when a voice mode (e.g. SSB, DSB, AM, or FM) is selected.
To export a transmit profile:
1) Click the Setup menu item to bring up the Setup window, and select the
Transmit tab.
2) Select the profile you want to export using the "Profiles" pull-down list
at upper left.
3) Click the "Export Current Profile" button at center, extreme right.
4) A file with the same name as the profile is written in your database
To import a transmit profile:
1) Click the Setup menu item to bring up the Setup window, and select the
Transmit tab.
2) Click the "Import Database" button at lower left.
3) Select the database file containing the profile you want to import, and
click OK
4) If the import is successful, you will be notified that the program will
shut down.
5) Re-start OpenSDR-PowerSDR mRX PS.
6) The newly imported profile will appear as an additional choice in the
Profiles pull-down list in Setup-Transmit.
New Transmit Modes
For some time, on the DSP => AM/SAM tab in Setup, you have been able to
select to receive only one sideband when operating in SAM mode. This is
useful to eliminate interference from nearby stations on one side or the
other of your QSO. Now, you have a similar capability for transmit! On
this same tab, you can select to transmit both sidebands (normal AM/SAM
transmission) or only one of the sidebands, Upper or Lower, when operating
in AM and SAM modes.
New Audio Tools
Do you have a rack of expensive audio equipment that you use to process your
MIC signal before feeding it into your radio? Do you run the digital
equivalent, a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), on your computer? Well, if
so, you can certainly continue to do that. However, included in this
release, we are providing some important audio processing tools that enable
POWER of your signal without requiring these external options. The new
tools are primarily a Phase Rotator and a Continuous Frequency Compressor
(CFC). Accompanying these advances are additions to the TX Profiles and
enhancements in the TX Equalizer and in ALC Compression control.
Rob, W1AEX, has generously prepared a "CFC Quick Setup Guide" as well as two
videos, one focusing on the CFC and another focusing on the Phase Rotator.
Thanks Rob!!
The Guide and Videos can be found here:
Guide: CFC Quick Setup Guide
CFC Video: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j84LuuI70O4 >
Phase Rotator Video: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM2x2tk0UbY>
Also, Scott, WU2O, has developed an excellent block diagram of the TX Chain
for reference during setup. It can be found here: TX Chain
* Enhanced TX Equalizer
Equalizer frequencies are now operator-adjustable. Also note, that as it
has been since the installation of the WDSP library a few years ago, this is
a Continuous Gain Equalizer, NOT a multi-band equalizer. This provides
smooth gain transitions across the spectrum as opposed to abrupt transitions
at band edges.
* Phase Rotator
In some AM transmitters, it is possible to boost the peak output power by
having an asymmetrical audio waveform (positive peaks greater than negative
peaks) and modulating to greater than 100% on positive peaks while
restricting to <=100% on negative peaks to avoid "pinch-off."
In other AM transmitters and in the case of our digital-up-conversion (DUC)
SDRs, this is not the correct approach. We have hard-limits which cannot be
exceeded, such as the dynamic range of the DAC. The application of an
asymmetrical audio waveform, with positive peaks greater than negative
peaks, cannot further increase modulation in the positive direction; it
instead REDUCES average power. The correct approach in such cases is to
make the audio waveform as symmetrical as possible, i.e., equal positive and
negative peaks.
The Phase Rotator makes the audio waveform more symmetrical. It does so by
shifting the phase of various audio frequencies by varying amounts, thereby
changing the shape of the waveform away from the somewhat typical
asymmetrical waveform of human speech. Experimentation and analysis show
that a wide range of phase shift versus frequency generally tends to improve
symmetry. This wide range leads to an implementation with multiple
identical stages, where the total phase shift is the sum of the shifts
obtained in each stage. The stages have a specified "corner frequency"
where the phase shift of the stage is equal to one-half of the total that
the stage provides at the maximum frequency.
While the above explanation focused on AM, note that this feature can be
used to increase average power for any speech mode. Note also, however,
that it could be detrimental for any digital mode that requires coherent
phase versus frequency.
Controls are found on the new DSP => CFC tab in Setup.
* Continuous Frequency Compressor (CFC)
Many audio racks and Digital Audio Workstations provide "Multiband
Compressors" which allow specifying different amounts of compression for
different audio frequency bands. The CFC offers a superset of that concept
where, instead of having multiple bands with constant compression in each
band, the compression varies smoothly between frequency points at which it
is specified. This concept is similar to the operation of the WDSP
Equalizer function; however, in this case, we are varying the compression
level across frequencies rather than varying the gain. A Post-CFC Equalizer
is also provided as an integral part of this function to provide a final
tailoring of the desired audio frequency spectrum.
Use of this function for speech modes can significantly increase the
"density" and average power of the signal. Note also that use for digital
modes may be detrimental, depending upon the nature of the mode.
Controls are found on the new DSP => CFC tab in Setup.
* ALC Compression Control
On the DSP => AGC/ALC tab, you'll now find an "ALC Max Gain" control.
Adjusting the gain above 0dB (the default) has a couple purposes: (1) if
NOT using COMP/CESSB, it allows you to set the CFC output to peak at ~0dB
and still get some compression (which is often desirable) in the ALC stage,
and (2) if USING COMP/CESSB, it allows you to get some ALC compression even
though the output of those stages does not exceed ~0dB.
* CESSB Reminder
Just as a reminder, for quite some time we have had available a CESSB
Overshoot Control function. This is yet another feature to increase average
transmitted power at the same peak power. The CESSB algorithm was published
by David Herschberger, W9GR, in the NOV/DEC 2014 issue of QEX. Dave's focus
was on SSB transmission. However, in our implementation, we support its use
This can be enabled on the Transmit tab in Setup. Note that COMP must be
enabled (even at 0dB compression if you prefer) for this feature to
* New TX Profiles
Need some help getting all these new audio controls set up? Some TX
Profiles are provided to give you some starting points. Specifically,
courtesy of Rob, W1AEX, four new TX Profiles are included with the PowerSDR
mRX application. These are:
- SSB 2.8_CFC (2.8k wide - very helpful on 60 meters)
- SSB 3.0_CFC (3.0k wide)
- SSB 3.3_CFC (3.3k wide)
- AM 10_CFC (5k + 5k for 10k total width)
Other Fixes, Changes, and Enhancements
* Four new CAT commands have been added to support the CW Audio Peaking
-- ZZAP Audio Peaking Filter On/Off
-- ZZAT APF Tune
-- ZZAB APF Bandwidth
-- ZZAA APF Gain
* A change in the format of packets sent out by N1MM+ caused an
incompatibility with the FocusMaster feature. This has been fixed.
* The locations of XIT and RIT have been interchanged on the console.
* There is a change in labeling of the CW Break-in checkbox. This change
was made so that the label more accurately reflects the actual function of
the box. This should eliminate some questions and confusion. The checkbox
was previously labeled "Enabled" which would imply either ON or OFF for
Break-in. Instead, what this box actually does is to allow you to select
either FULL Break-in or SEMI Break-in.
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