[hpsdr] Munin parts question
Kjell Karlsen
la2ni at online.no
Wed Jan 10 14:00:24 PST 2018
C2 and C26 should be 10uF.
If you intend to drive the PA with 5W continuously,the 100 ohm resistor
should be 2,5W but in normal use 1W is sufficient. But to be safe, use
73, Kjell, LA2NI
På Wed, 10 Jan 2018 21:02:34 +0100, skrev Dan Mitchell
<danmitchell387 at gmail.com>:
> Bob;
> I think R8 on the BOM may be a misprint; wattage seems to be inadequate
> on the BOM when compared to the schematic.
> 73,
> Dan, W0IQ
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 11:42 AM, rwfish . <rwfish56 at gmail.com> wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi,
> I am putting together a parts order for a Munin lll build and in the
> process I am comparing the Munin lll BOM to the Munin 2 BOM (because the
> Munin 2 BOM has part numbers).
> The component reference numbers are different, but it isn't too
> difficult to cross-reference the part in a similar location on the Munin
> 2 schematic and find it on the Munin 2 BOM.
> Which brings me to my question. I am ordering the two capacitors C2, C26
> (on the Munin 3 schematic & BOM) the value called out is 10uf. The
> capacitors in a similar place on the Munin 2 schematic
> C35, C37 are listed as 10N. Is this just a typo or are they intended to
> be 10uf on the Munin 3?
> It probably doesn't matter, I think they are just there to remove noise
> from the gate bias circuits.Also, I have both parts here already, so I
> won't have to order them unless I am out. I just thought I would bring
> it up in case it's a typo.
> Thanks & 73,
> Bob K6GGO
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