[hpsdr] Hermes networking question

K4KV k4kv at k4kv.com
Fri Apr 19 12:43:27 PDT 2019


One of my Hermes boards is giving me trouble with TCPIP.

The board is recognized by the bootloader program when the programming 
header is set, and I can program

either protocol 1 or 2 into the board.

What would allow me to program the board, but would keep it from being 
recognized on the LAN afterwards?

I cannot ping the board either.  Bootloader is the ONLY thing that 
works.  Yes the programming header was

removed after programming.  It worked fb yesterday, and I moved the unit 
around some...suggesting some

sort of intermittent on the board.

I am wondering, could it be hardware open or short?  Perhaps the 
bootloader is half-duplex and everything

else is full duplex?


Glen K4KV

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