[hpsdr] NVIDIA Jetson Nano SBC - YouTube video

Scotty Cowling scotty at tonks.com
Tue Apr 30 03:04:30 PDT 2019

Hi Scott,

You make a good point. This is one of the things I would like to do with 
the new TAPR TangerineSDR. We should be able to essentially do all of 
the filtering and demodulation in the FPGA, and let the SBC just do 
command and control and the GUI. Another (good) side effect of this 
might just be reduced latency, since the FPGA can likely perform the DSP 
tasks more quickly than a (relatively) slow general-purpose CPU can. Of 
course, maybe the Cuda cores could do it fast enough just by splitting 
the software into two pieces as you suggest, and using the GPU for part 
of it and the CPU for the rest. If Phil can do a massive FFT in real 
time with the Jetson board, why not have it demodulate and filter a 
narrow-band signal in real time?

Scotty WA2DFI

On 2019-04-29 08:13, Scott Traurig wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> These embedded computing platforms would have a lot more merit if 
> someone where to split PowerSDR/Thetis into thin client/server pieces, 
> and the server could run on the inexpensive but reasonably powerful 
> embedded platform. Alas, no one has taken on this challenge (and I 
> can't because I'm not a software developer). Because I set the bar for 
> radio functionality at the "PowerSDR or better" level, unless and 
> until someone comes up with something that really is better, 
> functionally not philosophically, then to me a Windows platform 
> remains a must-have.
> 73,
> Scott/w-u-2-o
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