[hpsdr] Sniffing computer <> Metis to control other things

Jim Sanford wb4gcs at wb4gcs.org
Sun Dec 8 10:41:04 PST 2019


I've read (I THINK) about people sniffing UDP packets to control 
external devices, such as antenna or bandpass filter switching based on 
transmit frequency.

Through google, I've found info on UDP, how Metis uses UDP and TCP, but 
nothing about the implementation I think I've read about.  I also 
couldn't find anything about UDP in OpenHPSDRmrx Setup, which I also 
think I remember reading about.

Can/has this been done?  If so, any pointers on where/how?

If it is not possible, OK.

My setup:

OpenHPSDR talks to Metis in 1000baseT (at 100 mbps) via a port with 
static IP address in the 10.10.x.x range; Metis is also fixed in 10.10.x.x

A separate USB Ethernet adapter in the 192.168.1.X range with DHCP to 
connect to the rest of the world for downloading updates, tc.

N1MM+ logger talks to OpenHPSDR through virtual serial ports configured 
as TS-2000.

I did see CAT2 and CAT3 in the setup windows; is this how the "sniffing" 
is being done?  If so, any pointers to what goes out on those ports?

Thanks & 73,


wb4gcs at amsat.org

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