[hpsdr] FreeDV, PowerSDR and Penelope

Michael Carey michaelcarey at internode.on.net
Sun Oct 27 03:38:56 PDT 2019

Hi Everybody,

Does anyone in here have any experience with using FreeDV 1600 together 
with PowerSDR and the OpenHPSDR hardware?
This weekend I have been trying to get FreeDV working with my HPSDR 
setup (PowerSDR v3.4.9).

The basics are all working fine, VB Audio's Virtual Audio Cables work 
great and a pair of Virtual Serial Ports allow CAT control between 
PowerSDR and the FreeDV software for PTT.  I've used the same setup for 
decoding DMR and for use with FLdigi/WSPR for some time now.

I am using a Rowetel SM1000 with my Icom IC-7100 to receive the FreeDV.

When transmitting FreeDV 1600 via OpenSDR/Penelope it sort of works, but 
I am seeing/hearing a regular "glitch" in the transmitted audio that 
affects decoding via the SM1000.  It doesn't matter if I reduce the VAC 
audio gain, the glitch is still there.  I believe I've turned off any 
kind of processing that might affect transmit, but it still isn't as 
clean as what I can get with the SM1000/IC-7100 setup on transmit.

I've uploaded short unlisted video to my YouTube channel that shows what 
I am seeing/hearing on transmit.

The audio going into the VAC on PowerSDR from the FreeDV software sounds 
clean when I listen to it, as does the audio when I listen with the 
PowerSDR MON turned on.

I haven't even looked at the reverse path yet, transmitting on the 
SM1000 and receiving via the HPSDR. One step at at time. :-)

Any ideas?


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