[hpsdr] tapr site registration
swestfisher at coastaldatasystems.com
Tue May 28 05:19:29 PDT 2024
Small world, I was there with a group from West Virgina.
Steve West-Fisher
-----Original Message-----
From: Hpsdr <hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org> On Behalf Of George Byrkit
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2024 11:55 AM
To: 'Willi Rauffer' <willi at rauffer.org>; hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
Subject: Re: [hpsdr] tapr site registration
***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
Good luck on your studies and exam session, then!
I understand. I was first licensed in 1965. That license (Novice) expired
in 1966, while I was preparing to go to the Boy Scout World Jamboree in 1967
as a French Interpreter. Abher, Ich kann Ein bischen Deutch sprachen. But
I can't spell for a darn! I lived in Wien in 1985-1987, working for
I'd pose your question on the openhpsdr list hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org (go
join if not yet a member...) and ask that question there. I think to a
large extent the answer is 'mostly no'. But to some extent 'yes'. You
really need Hermes or better to use Thetis, from what I understand.
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