[hpsdr] how to setup the firmware project using eclipse?
Johan Maas
johan.maas at hetnet.nl
Tue Jul 3 10:10:15 PDT 2007
After installing, asking, and reading i succeeded in compiling the firmware:
I found that the project cannot be build by eclipse (managed make functionality is not available).
Iam working on a windows platform; so i created some batch files; the code is compiled but not yet linked (-c option)
C:\Documents and Settings\Dhr. Maas\workspace\OzyFirmware-wjt\Initial\src
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\include" hpsdr_main.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\include" sdr1kctl.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\include" hpsdr_common.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\include" fpga_load.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\include" eeprom_io.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\include" board_specific.c
copy .\compiled\*.rel .
copy .\compiled\*.lst .
C:\Documents and Settings\Dhr. Maas\workspace\OzyFirmware-wjt\Initial\src\lib
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\..\include" delay.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\..\include" fx2utils.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\..\include" i2c.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\..\include" isr.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\..\include" spi.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\..\include" timer.c
sdcc --verbose -o".\compiled\\" -c -I"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" -I"..\..\include" usb_common.c
copy .\compiled\*.rel .
copy .\compiled\*.lst .
Compiling asm code:
C:\Documents and Settings\Dhr. Maas\workspace\OzyFirmware-wjt\Initial\src\asm
asx8051 -losg vectors.asm
asx8051 -losg _startup.asm
asx8051 -losg usb_descriptors_X1.asm
Here we are linking the objects:
C:\Documents and Settings\Dhr. Maas\workspace\OzyFirmware-wjt\tools
# bit of a hack becasue I can't seem to get the input file order for obj modules
# correct using standard eclipse -- vectors.rel MUST be the first object in the link list
echo 'Executing custom-link.zsh'
sdcc --verbose -L"C:\Program Files\SDCC\lib" --no-xinit-opt --xram-loc 0x2000 --xram-size 0x2000 --code-size 0x2000 -Wl -b" USBDESCSEG = 0xE000" -o"ozyfw-pa3gsb.hex" .\..\Initial\src\asm\vectors.rel .\..\Initial\src\asm/_startup.rel .\..\Initial\src\asm\usb_descriptors_X1.rel .\..\Initial\src\lib\delay.rel .\..\Initial\src\lib\fx2utils.rel .\..\Initial\src\lib\i2c.rel .\..\Initial\src\lib\isr.rel .\..\Initial\src\lib\spi.rel .\..\Initial\src\lib\timer.rel .\..\Initial\src\lib\usb_common.rel .\..\Initial\src\board_specific.rel .\..\Initial\src\eeprom_io.rel .\..\Initial\src\fpga_load.rel .\..\Initial\src\hpsdr_common.rel .\..\Initial\src\hpsdr_main.rel .\..\Initial\src\sdr1kctl.rel
Hope this helps others; maybe someone knows how to setup eclipse to build the firmware from the eclipse environment.
Johan PA3GSB
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