[hpsdr] OZY-JANUS and software implementation?

Tony Langdon vk3jed at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 21:22:18 PDT 2007

At 01:54 PM 7/31/2007, Bill Tracey wrote:

>The basic reason I've not done a Windows sound driver for Janus is I
>had no interest in learning how to do Windows audio drivers and we
>did not need one to get Janus working with PowerSDR.  There is also a
>side benefit in that we have more control over setup and buffering of
>the data -- in essence we skip the layers of Windows audio code and
>handle the data our self.  This approach does have the significant
>down side that code has to be modified to work with Janus.

I see benefits and downsides to both approaches, and I wouldn't be 
surprised if sometime down the track users get a choice of which way 
they want to go.  Performance and control are the obvious benefits of 
bypassing the Windows sound driver code.  OTOH, a Windows audio 
driver means compatibility with a wider variety of software out of the box.

>I'm willing to support anyone that want to take on doing a Windows
>audio driver for Janus -- it is not that I think it is a bad idea,
>it's just that I have no interest in doing it.

Unfortunately, I don't have the necessary skills, otherwise this sort 
of thing would get my interest along the lines of ("Can I make it work?" :) ).

73 de VK3JED


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