[hpsdr] Need for a SDR-1000 or Softrock?
Mike Naruta
mnaruta at comcast.net
Mon Sep 29 03:57:47 PDT 2008
Hi Ron,
See the HPSDR resources web page for the
links to the software:
< http://hpsdr.org/resources.html >
The HPSDR project uses Tortise SubVersion
to maintain the latest software, just
as for the Flex-5000 and SDR-1000.
You download the Tortise SubVersion client
and install it in Windows. Then tell
SubVersion a folder and the URL where
the software comes from:
< svn:// >
and it will download the software into the
folder you have designated. Can take a
while the first time.
See also the Flex-Radio guide on SubVersion:
and download the TortoiseSVN Quick Start Guide.
It has step-by-step instructions of installing
Tortoise SVN.
The "trunk" is where the main software is
located, and "branches" are for experimental
software diversions. Look in the latest
version for the BIN (binary) folder and
there you can find the PowerSDR.exe file
and run it. Remember that it will create
the new database file in that folder. If
you run a different version in another
folder, it will create a new database file
there, which is a good idea.
When you want to download the latest stuff,
right-click on the folder and SVN Update.
With the SubVersion client you can run
the absolutely latest, alpha, may have bugs,
hang on to your hat version that has been
uploaded to the server, or you can choose
an older version that you are comfortable
Mike - AA8K
Ronald Cox wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi,
> Before I order the parts for the HDSDR, I wanted to see the status of
> the software. Is the PowerSDR in the download area the latest software?
> I briefly saw the GUI for the radio at the DCC this weekend, but I don't
> see any images of it on the Wiki or in any write-ups. Where can I get
> more information on the GUI? In "Janus and Ozy Operation with PowerSDR"
> it says you must have a SDR-1000 or Softrock for an rf front end to use
> PowerSDR. Is that still true?
> Ron, W9KFB
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