[hpsdr] Call for HELP - New HPSDR-Setup / it works!!!
Alexander Geckeler
alexander.geckeler at gmx.de
Sun Mar 22 09:21:15 PDT 2009
Dear HPSDR friends!
To make one point clear:
The malfunction of my setup was NOT the fault of Gerd Loch and the board
he produced - his Penny board works!
73, Alexander
Willi Reppel schrieb:
> Hallo Alexander,
> Bei Lesern Deiner "Call for Help" Einlagen konnte der Eindruck erweckt
> werden, dass etwas an Gerds Leiter-platten nicht in Ordnung ist.
> Deinem "Thank you all" sollte vielleicht ein "Sorry Gerd...."
> beigefügt werden. Habe ihn als Fachmann schätzen gelernt, der
> Lötfehler an meinen, von TAPR gelieferten Leiterplatten, ausfindig
> machte und reparierte.
> vy 73 es gl
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alexander Geckeler"
> <alexander.geckeler at gmx.de>
> To: <hpsdr at hpsdr.org>
> Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 9:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Call for HELP - New HPSDR-Setup / it works!!!
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> Good evening!
>> I had time to update Mercury to firmware version 2.6. and I have to
>> say THANK YOU ALL - HPSDR RX-works well!!!!
>> The current setup is:
>> - Order of boards: Mercury (v2.6) J5, Penny (from Gerd Loch) J3, Ozy J2
>> - Mercury 122.88 Mhz clock source
>> - Penny 10 Mhz clock source
>> - Sampling Rate 192k
>> - level calibration was successfull
>> - PowerSDR version Jan 10th, 2009
>> The audio is beautifull - it is nice to run this piece of technology.
>> The next step is to connect a proper mic and test TX...
>> 73, Alexander
>> -
>> Henry Vredegoor schrieb:
>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>>> Joe,
>>> Thanks Joe for filling in on this.
>>> I looked for something similar like the file you mentioned.
>>> I suppose it's somewhere in the svn but couldn't find it.
>>> Can you give pointer to this file?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Henry.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: hpsdr-bounces at lists.hpsdr.org
>>>> [mailto:hpsdr-bounces at lists.hpsdr.org] On Behalf Of Joe Martin K5SO
>>>> Sent: zaterdag 21 maart 2009 0:41
>>>> To: hpsdr at hpsdr.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Call for HELP - New HPSDR-Setup / nothing works
>>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>>>> Penelope updates in an analogous way to Mercury (no ByteBlaster
>>>> cable is necessary if you use the ByteBlaster simulation code as
>>>> described in the Read Me file describing how to update the
>>>> firmware in Mercury and Penelope). Simply execute the
>>>> Program-Penelope-EPCS4.bat file instead of
>>>> Program-Mercury-EPCS16.bat file to update Penelope. There's only
>>>> one choice in Program-Penelope-EPCS4.bat at the present time,
>>>> version 1.1 (selection A when you run the .bat code) so it's
>>>> straightforward to do it.
>>>> Make sure that Penny is in slot 6 (nearest the power connector)
>>>> and Ozy is in slot 5 next to it when you do the firmware. Also
>>>> ensure that the "Last JTAG" jumper is installed on Penny when you
>>>> do the update. I usually have only Ozy and the board being
>>>> updated on the Atlas bus when updating. It might also work with
>>>> other boards on the bus during the update but I've never tried that.
>>>> When you're done updating (you have to power off the Atlas buss and
>>>> then power it back on for it run the newly updated firmware) you
>>>> can move Penny and Ozy (and Mercury) to any other slot
>>>> configuration you desire (that is stable on your system) but make
>>>> sure the "Last JTAG" jumper is installed only on one board, Mercury
>>>> or Penelope; it doesn't matter which one (Mercury or Penny) has the
>>>> jumper on it but put it on only one of them when you have Ozy,
>>>> Mercury, and Penny all on the Atlas bus simultaneously.
>>>> Hope this info helps.
>>>> 73, Joe K5SO
>>>> On Mar 20, 2009, at 5:17 PM, Henry Vredegoor wrote:
>>>>> If you get an indication of the firmware version, what is it?
>>>>> Compare this with the latest version of the firmware for Penny
>>>>> and if this
>>>>> is not the latest, upgrade to the latest version and test again.
>>>>> (I don't know if and how you can do this using Ozy like
>>>> with upgrading
>>>>> Mercury though, or if you have to have a physical ByteBlaster or -
>>>>> clone)
>>>>> Maybe someone else could fill in on this?
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