[hpsdr] penny/pennywhistle

Graham / KE9H KE9H at austin.rr.com
Sat Nov 5 06:38:34 PDT 2011


It sound like the RF amplifier transistors in PennyWhistle are
biasing up fine.  Recheck the wiring of, and in particular the
directions of the windings in T1 and T2.

--- Graham

On 11/5/2011 2:14 AM, Geoff wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi guys,
> 	I am presently trying to get my completed Rx/Tx setup going. On Tx I have a
> problem (or 2, dunno). My unmodified TAPR Penny is putting out the expected
> power level. Pennywhistle has been setup as per the manual. I am getting much
> lower power levels than i should. Most bands give me between 400 and 600 mW,
> 10m gives me 1.5W. 6m gives less. Penny whistle draws a maximum of about 2A
> on 10M. My aimless fiddling with gain and drive levels in powersdr gave some
> small improvements but nothing significant. Any attempt to run the PA
> calibration routines results in powersdr throwing a wobbly over invalid
> calculated gain. I am transmitting via Alex into a Bird 82C dummy load
> (overkill I know)
> 	Any ideas you can give me to get my HPSDR system up and running properly on
> Tx would be much appreciated by this frustrated numpty :-).
> 73 de Geoff vk2tfg.
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