[hpsdr] Anomaly.

Jeff Cook jeffrie at talktalk.net
Wed Mar 7 06:24:33 PST 2012

On the subject of anomalies here's one I noticed a couple of weeks back 
having put together a lowpass filter which was to be controlled by 
Penelope's open collector inputs. Penelope's schematic shows the 7 open 
collector input pins on DB25S as being OC0 to OC6, whereas in the 
Penelope manual table 5 has these numbered as OC1 to OC7.

If like me you are an ancient analogue relic then you probably like to 
start counting at number 1, but if you are a modern digital whiz then 
you probably like to start counting at number 0. I wonder whom was which 
when the above anomaly came about.

Jeff Cook.

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