[hpsdr] PowerSDRmRX 384Kbps and HPSDR(Metis/Mercury/Penny)
Tokio Endo
tokio.endo2 at i.softbank.jp
Tue Apr 23 07:40:13 PDT 2013
Hi Bernd and Aivars,
Thank you very much for your input.
Now I understand Phil is working on the new firmware of Mercury.
I'm using a home-brew linear power supply for HPSDR, which is supposed to feed an extra current due to the version up of the firmware, I hope.
2013/04/23 22:55、"Bernd Gasser" <bernd.gasser at tele2.at>
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi Tokio-san,
> I remember Phil sent a message some time ago to increase sampling rate for
> Mercury:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> Re: [hpsdr] New HPSDR/P*SDR Release - Display, 384K, and more
> Hi Roland,
> We are currently working on increasing the sampling rate for
> Mercury. We first need to free up some
> lines on the Atlas bus in order to use multiple lines in parallel to
> increase the data transfer rate.
> There is room in Mercury for additional receivers but the additional
> current drain may be an issue if you use the LPU to power the boards.
> Many thanks to Doug and Warren for the great new features in the
> latest version of PowerSDR.
> 73 Phil...VK6APH
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 73,
> Bernd/OE1ACM
> ****************************************************************************
> *
> Hi All,
> So far I was suing Hermes v2.3 to run PowerSDRmRX.
> Recently I switched to HPSDR(Metis v2.5a, Mercury v3.3, and Penelope v1.7).
> PowerSDRmRX with sampling rate 384kbps does not work with the above HPSDR,
> but 192Kbps sampling rate allows me to enjoy HPSDR with mRX3.0.8.
> Is this the limitation of the latest firmwares( I believe the above versions
> are the latest ones )?
> Any comments would be much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Tokio
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