[hpsdr] Hermes +12VALEX

dlwaddel at netzero.net dlwaddel at netzero.net
Sun May 12 15:16:37 PDT 2013

Question about J17. When using regulated 12 volt and 5 volt supplies, J17 is supposed to have a jumper between pins 1 and 2. Also, J18 is supposed to be not installed, thus disabling the regulator U18.

Under this situation, the +12VALEX line gets no voltage. This will not work when ALEX is being used.

It looks to me like J17 needs a jumper between all three pins when using ALEX with regulated 12 and 5 volt power supplies. Or the +12VALEX line should be connected to pin 2 on J17 rather than pin 3.

What am I missing here?

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