[hpsdr] Bricked my Angelia: Help installing Bootloader using USB Blaster cable
Joe Martin K5SO
k5so at valornet.com
Fri Aug 22 10:20:32 PDT 2014
Hi Larry,
Sorry to hear you’re having trouble programming your 100D. I suspect that when you first had your problem you could’ve recovered by using Bootloader mode, but perhaps something went awry. No problem, it’s all recoverable no matter what you did.
Sounds like you have the Quartus II Programmer and your blaster cable talking fine to each other so you needn’t worry about trying to load v14 Quartus from Altera (in fact, I recommend not using v14). Here I use Quartus II v13.0 for most of my work but the Quartus II Programmer in v12 or likely any other earlier version will work to program an EEPROM config device so I wouldn’t worry about finding a particular version of Quartus II Programmer; it’s not that critical which you use, generally (at least in my experience).
The Angelia board uses an EPCS128 EEPROM configuration device (not an EPCS16) so that is the device you should specify in the Quartus II Programmer.
You should be plugging your blaster cable onto P2 and loading the file “output_file.pof” for Angelia. The “output_file.pof” contains both the bootloader code and the binary FPGA image that gets loaded later into the FPGA.
If you erroneously load “Angelia.pof” you will not be loading the bootloader code into the EEPROM with the FPGA image, you’ll only be loading the FPGA image. It will run and come up on power up but there is not bootloader code in it so should you later wish to use “Bootloader” mode you cannot. Use the “output_file.pof” to load into the EEPROM and you’ll be good.
73, Joe K5SO
On Aug 22, 2014, at 10:41 AM, Larry J on Linux Mint 17 (Ubuntu 14.04) Desktop wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Attempted to upgrade the firmware in my 100D using HPSDRProgrammer_V2_nopcap 2.0. Board was intially discovered but when I attempted to write 4.1 rbf, all operations stopped. Now it won't boot. (J17 jumper on or off, doesn't help)
> So I hooked up my Canton Electronics "Altera USBBlaster Rev C) and fired off the Altera Quartus Programmer v12 build 177 11/7/2012 which responded after I clicked Start as follows:
> Info (209060): Started Programmer operation at Fri Aug 22 15:25:23 2014
> Info (209018): Device 1 silicon ID is 0x18
> Info (209044): Erasing ASP configuration device(s)
> Info (209024): Programming device 1
> Info (209018): Device 1 silicon ID is 0x18
> Info (209011): Successfully performed operation(s)
> Info (209061): Ended Programmer operation at Fri Aug 22 15:26:15 2014
> which looked OK but no boot! Second from left front panel red led glows constantly but dim.
> Somewhere I noticed (post by Franz Hegener) that I should have selected EPC 128? My device (in the Quartus II 32 bit Programmer window shows Device=EPCS16 as read from Quartus-II Programmer window and also shown in the document "Quartus-II Programmer and Byteblaster" by N9VV and KCXG v2.3 dated 04/23/13. Is this my error?
> Any ideas to try next??
> Thanks,
> Larry W0AY
> Note for record:
> 1. Version 12 of the Quartus II Programmer matches the "Quartus-II Programmer and Byteblaster" instructions (noted above) but the current version V12 does not. Obtain V12 here: https://www.altera.com/download/sw/dnl-sw-index.jsp#
> 2. Win7 refused to load the drivers provided by Altera in V14. I used the USB Blaster drivers by Altera dated 2/17/2009 version
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