August 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Aug 1 00:26:03 PDT 2014
Ending: Sun Aug 31 23:24:58 PDT 2014
Messages: 202
- [hpsdr] FM squelch
Ken N9VV (Win-7/64)
- [hpsdr] Remote Control?
Ken N9VV (Win-7/64)
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Ken N9VV (Win-7/64)
- [hpsdr] AsRock SBC
Ken N9VV (Win-7/64)
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award winner
Abhi A
- [hpsdr] 10/12m coil windings (Re: Angelia_v4.2 firmware release)
Abhi A
- [hpsdr] 10/12m coil windings (Re: Angelia_v4.2 firmware release)
Abhi A
- [hpsdr] 10/12m coil windings (Re: Angelia_v4.2 firmware release)
Abhi A
- [hpsdr] 10/12m coil windings (Re: Angelia_v4.2 firmware release)
Abhi A
- [hpsdr] mercury deaf [was Hello]
- [hpsdr] mercury deaf [was Hello]
- [hpsdr] Timing Closure Field Guide
- [hpsdr] Radio (Board) Identification
Doug Adams
- [hpsdr] Radio (Board) Identification
Doug Adams
- [hpsdr] Radio (Board) Identification
Doug Adams
- [hpsdr] Radio (Board) Identification
Doug Adams
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Doug Adams
- [hpsdr] Wideband waterfall display
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical
Bruce Beford
- [hpsdr] PwrSDR with Ozy
Bruce Beford
- [hpsdr] Munin amp kits for sale
Bruce Beford
- [hpsdr] SOLD Munin amp kits for sale
Bruce Beford
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award winner
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] mercury deaf [was Hello]
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] mercury deaf [was Hello]
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] mercury deaf [was Hello]
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] 20140126_cuSDR64src
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] 20140126_cuSDR64src
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] 20140126cuSDR64 & TK1
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] 20140126cuSDR64 & TK1
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] KISS Konsole on Ubuntu 14.04
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] IMD
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award winner
Neal Campbell
- [hpsdr] Downloading Mercury 3.4
Jeff Cook
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Jeff Cook
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award winner
Scott Cowling
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Scott Cowling
- [hpsdr] Liva PC on sale at Newegg
Scott Cowling
- [hpsdr] Success with GNURadio on LIVA PC!
Scott Cowling
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Rob Crewson
- [hpsdr] 'Cuda 6.5 Features and OverView'.
Rob Crewson
- [hpsdr] Timing Closure Field Guide
Rob Crewson
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v4.2 firmware release
Brian D
- [hpsdr] Fwd: [apache-labs] PowerSDR/OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.2.18 released
Brian D
- [hpsdr] Fwd: [apache-labs] PowerSDR/OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.2.18 released
Brian D
- [hpsdr] PwrSDR with Ozy
- [hpsdr] Bricked my Angelia: Help installing Bootloader using USB Blaster cable
Larry J on Linux Mint 17 (Ubuntu 14.04) Desktop
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Steven B. Dick
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Steven B. Dick
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Shirley Márquez Dúlcey
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Roland Etienne
- [hpsdr] Bricked my Angelia: Help installing Bootloader using USB Blaster cable
Rick Fletcher
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award winner
Terry Fox
- [hpsdr] KISS Konsole on Ubuntu 14.04
Rob Frohne
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/Aug/02
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] Remote Control?
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/Aug/09
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/Aug/16
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/Aug/23
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2014/Aug/30
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] 20140126cuSDR64 & TK1
Bernd Gasser
- [hpsdr] FM squelch
Alfred Green
- [hpsdr] FM squelch
Alfred Green
- [hpsdr] FM squelch
Alfred Green
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
- [hpsdr] Hermes manual update
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] 20140126cuSDR64 & TK1
- [hpsdr] Wideband waterfall display
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
- [hpsdr] For Sale: Munin PA kit and Tmate 2 USB SDR Control Console
Steve Ireland
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Barry Jablonski
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Barry Jablonski
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Barry Jablonski
- [hpsdr] Timing Closure Field Guide
Barry Jablonski
- [hpsdr] Hermes Breakout Brd 2-pin Header
Joe Giacobello, K2XX
- [hpsdr] Hermes Breakout Brd 2-pin Header (Got it!)
Joe Giacobello, K2XX
- [hpsdr] AsRock SBC
- [hpsdr] Common Hermes firmware for Anan/Alex/Apollo?
"Per Øyvind Jonsson"
- [hpsdr] PwrSDR with Ozy
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] PwrSDR with Ozy
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Starting with HPSDR from Argentina
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Radio (Board) Identification
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR & OZY/Mercury/Penelope updating
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] CC-Byte0 from fpga to pc
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Radio (Board) Identification
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Radio (Board) Identification
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Bricked my Angelia: Help installing Bootloader using USB Blaster cable
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Bricked my Angelia: Help installing Bootloader using USB Blaster cable
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v4.2 firmware release
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v4.2 firmware release
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v4.2 firmware release
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] 10/12m coil windings (Re: Angelia_v4.2 firmware release)
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] 10/12m coil windings (Re: Angelia_v4.2 firmware release)
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Timing Closure Field Guide
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Fwd: [apache-labs] PowerSDR/OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.2.18 released
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Timing Closure Field Guide
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Orion/ANAN-200D Orion_v2.7 firmware package release
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] KISS Konsole on Ubuntu 14.04
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award winner
Kjell Karlsen
- [hpsdr] FS - Band-pass filter
Jeff Kelly
- [hpsdr] FS - Band-pass filter
Jeff Kelly
- [hpsdr] WTB Funcube Dongle Pro
Jeff Kelly
- [hpsdr] WTB Funcube Dongle Pro
Jeff Kelly
- [hpsdr] Bricked my Angelia: Help installing Bootloader using USB Blaster cable
Les Keppie
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Marc Lalonde
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Marc Lalonde
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Marc Lalonde
- [hpsdr] Success with GNURadio on LIVA PC!
Marc Lalonde
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Dave Larsen
- [hpsdr] Trouble updating Mercury firmware
Dave Larsen
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
John Laur
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
John Laur
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
John Marvin
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
John Marvin
- [hpsdr] 10/12m coil windings (Re: Angelia_v4.2 firmware release)
Pat McGrath
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award winner
H.A. Meijer
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award winner
Giancarlo Moda
- [hpsdr] External T/R switch for PureSignal
John Ackermann N8UR
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award winner
Tim ORourke
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Tim ORourke
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Helmut Oeller
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Helmut Oeller
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Helmut Oeller
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Helmut Oeller
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Helmut Oeller
- [hpsdr] Compile environement for PowerSDR_HPSDR_mRX_PS
- [hpsdr] Downloading Mercury 3.4
- [hpsdr] FM squelch
Warren C. Pratt
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR and OZY
georg Prinz
- [hpsdr] PwrSDR with Ozy
georg Prinz
- [hpsdr] PwrSDR with Ozy
georg Prinz
- [hpsdr] KISS Konsole on Ubuntu 14.04
georg Prinz
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Doug Ronald
- [hpsdr] Newbie Question on computer and Munin
Jim Rospopo
- [hpsdr] PwrSDR with Ozy
Jim Sanford
- [hpsdr] PwrSDR with Ozy
Jim Sanford
- [hpsdr] Interesting email on SDR transmit noise
Jim Sanford
- [hpsdr] Multiple Metis on one Ethernet
Jim Sanford
- [hpsdr] Trouble updating Mercury firmware
Jim Sanford
- [hpsdr] Trouble updating Mercury firmware
Jim Sanford
- [hpsdr] Congrats to Warren Pratt (NR0V) - 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award winner
Erik Skovgaard
- [hpsdr] 20140126cuSDR64 & TK1
Chris Smith
- [hpsdr] 20140126cuSDR64 & TK1
Chris Smith
- [hpsdr] 20140126cuSDR64 & TK1
Chris Smith
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Chris Smith
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Chris Smith
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Chris Smith
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Chris Smith
- [hpsdr] Fwd: RE: [apache-labs] PowerSDR/OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.2.18 released
Jae Stutzman
- [hpsdr] Fwd: [apache-labs] PowerSDR/OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.2.18 released
Jae Stutzman
- [hpsdr] KISS Konsole on Ubuntu 14.04
Jae Stutzman
- [hpsdr] KISS Konsole on Ubuntu 14.04
Jae Stutzman
- [hpsdr] KISS Konsole on Ubuntu 14.04
Jae Stutzman
- [hpsdr] KISS Konsole on Ubuntu 14.04
Jae Stutzman
- [hpsdr] KISS Konsole on Ubuntu 14.04
Jae Stutzman
- [hpsdr] openHPSDR at the forefront of SDR development
Kjell Syverud
- [hpsdr] Banquet Speaker & Sunday Seminar Annouced at ARRL/TAPR DCC (Digital Communications Conference), Austin, TX, 9/5 - 9/7
Mark Thompson
- [hpsdr] Summer 2014 TAPR PSR Digital Communications Journal Available
Mark Thompson
- [hpsdr] DCC Proceedings Abstracts Announced - 2014 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference Austin, TX September 5-7, 2014
Mark Thompson
- [hpsdr] ARRL/TAPR DCC Speaker Schedule Announced, Austin, TX, 9/5 - 9/7/14 (Walk-In Registrations at DCC Welcome)
Mark Thompson
- [hpsdr] 10/12m coil windings (Re: Angelia_v4.2 firmware release)
Gregg W6IZT
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR & OZY/Mercury/Penelope updating
Conrad Walker
- [hpsdr] Remote Control?
Clyde Washburn
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR/OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.2.18 released
Doug Wigley
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR/OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.2.19 released
Doug Wigley
- [hpsdr] QSK question
Ben Witvliet
- [hpsdr] mercury deaf [was Hello]
Berndt Josef Wulf
- [hpsdr] 20140126cuSDR64 & TK1
Berndt Josef Wulf
- [hpsdr] 10/12m coil windings (Re: Angelia_v4.2 firmware release)
mstangelo at
- [hpsdr] HackRF tutorial
lstoskopf at
- [hpsdr] Buy Jetson board?
lstoskopf at
- [hpsdr] Success with GNURadio on LIVA PC!
lstoskopf at
- [hpsdr] PwrSDR with Ozy
- [hpsdr] PwrSDR with Ozy
- [hpsdr] anan 100 forsale
- [hpsdr] Starting with HPSDR from Argentina
lu9cbl at
- [hpsdr] Updates to the Skimmer server interface DLL v14.8.13
- [hpsdr] 10/12m coil windings (Re: Angelia_v4.2 firmware release)
- [hpsdr] 20140126cuSDR64 & TK1
- [hpsdr] mercury deaf [was Hello]
- [hpsdr] mercury deaf [was Hello]
- [hpsdr] mercury deaf [was Hello]
andrea montefusco
- [hpsdr] mercury deaf [was Hello]
andrea montefusco
- [hpsdr] FS - Hermes set-up
dave powis
- [hpsdr] CC-Byte0 from fpga to pc
- [hpsdr] CC-Byte0 from fpga to pc
Last message date:
Sun Aug 31 23:24:58 PDT 2014
Archived on: Tue Apr 19 22:50:38 PDT 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).