[hpsdr] Trouble updating Mercury firmware
Jim Sanford
wb4gcs at wb4gcs.org
Sun Aug 31 18:21:11 PDT 2014
That did it, thanks!!!!!
wb4gcs at amsat.org
On 8/31/2014 9:15 PM, Dave Larsen wrote:
> Jim
> Almost right
> There are two programs, HPSDRProgrammer V2 only talks to boards with
> ethernet sockets and does not need the j1 jumper but it will not
> program through a JTAG port.
> the second program HPSDRBootloader is for use in the Bootloader mode
> as you specified. If you follow your steps, EXCEPT use
> HPSDRBootloader it should work..
> HPSDRBootloader uses the pcap library, the J1 jumper and a raw
> Ethernet packets and cane be used as a JTAG programmer for boards with
> no Ethernet connector.
> HPSDRProgrammer V2 is use UDP, no jumper and old firmware newer that
> 2.3, This is convenients for update firmware without opening the box.
> But if the old firmware is broke it will not work.
> PS. HPSDRProgrammer V1.6 does both tasks but people got confused
> different problem and what part of the program when with each task.
> Dave KV0S HPSDRProgrammer V2 and HPSDRBootloader Programmer and
> Maintainer
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Jim Sanford <wb4gcs at wb4gcs.org
> <mailto:wb4gcs at wb4gcs.org>> wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> All:
> I am finally assembling the system I purchased in pieces long ago
> from TAPR.
> I have successfully updated Metis firmware to the latest.
> I have installed J1 in Metis to put it in bootloader mode.
> I have installed J7 (last JTAG) jumper on Mercury.
> Running HPSDRProgrammer V2 version
> All the LEDs on Mercury that the manual says should be lit are.
> When I click DISCOVER, Mercury is not found, and I get an error
> message telling me to "Make sure the correct interface is
> attached. There is only one interface -- the ethernet interface on
> the computer.
> Any suggestions??
> Thanks & 73,
> Jim
> wb4gcs at amsat.org <mailto:wb4gcs at amsat.org>
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> KV0S - Dave Larsen
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