[hpsdr] FW: Sensitivity of dual mercury system differs significantly

georg Prinz getpri at t-online.de
Fri Jun 6 12:42:49 PDT 2014

Hi Jim,

I am not shure. I put the slave mercury as master and the reading was 
Now I will put the old master as a slave. We will see what will happen.

73, Georg, dl2kp

Am 06.06.2014 20:10, schrieb Jim Gailer:
> Hi Georg
> I posted this earlier today, but it doesn't seem to be appearing.
> You have a 20dB attenuator and a 20dB gain block on your board, both of
> which seem possible culprits.
> Cheers and 73
> Jim, G3RTD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Gailer [mailto:lists at kingstag.net]
> Sent: 06 June 2014 11:54
> To: 'hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org'
> Subject: RE: Sensitivity of dual mercury system differs significantly
> Hi Georg
> I had these symptoms on a home built Hermes (the only fault) and it turned
> out that I had broken the pre-ADC amplifier LTC6400-20 (or, less likely had
> fitted a broken one). This amplifier has a gain of 20dB and in its failed
> state showed a unity gain. It is quite easy to check the signal path using
> an oscilloscope (inject a low frequency signal) provided you have physical
> access to the board. I found this to be a difficult chip to fix, as it has a
> bottom ground pad. If this amplifier is showing near zero gain, check the
> solder joints and measure the voltages on the chip, including the chip
> enable pad. Measure using a sharp pin on the chip's copper rather than on
> the solder. With luck, the fault will be caused by something else! Check
> that the attenuator relay K1 switches too.
> To remove the broken chip, I used Chip Quick alloy, but the ground pad would
> not release. I eventually ground the plastic through to the copper at the
> bottom of the chip (not the PCB foil!) using a miniature burr drill (I used
> a microscope). This time I used more bottom heat and an infra-red top heater
> to solder the chip (not for the faint hearted). Mask off the board with
> aluminium foil to protect other components (especially the plastic ones).
> Good luck and 73, Jim, G3RTD
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 16:03:01 +0200
> From: georg Prinz <getpri at t-online.de>
> To: hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
> Subject: [hpsdr] Sensitivity of dual mercury system differs
> 	significantly
> Message-ID: <53907895.4060901 at t-online.de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hello,
> during my initial tests with my dual transverter system on 2m, I realized
> that my dual mercury system with Metis has unequal sensitivity.  The
> difference between mercury one and two is about 20dB (measured without Alex
> after running through the calibration routine). The attenuation for RX1 and
> RX2 is set to 0dB in PowerSDR  mRX PS v3.2.9(2/23/14). The two mercuries are
> set up as Joe(K5SO) proposed for a clock feed of two mercuries.
> Did anybody encounter something similar? What could be the reason?
> Furthermore, I have another testsystem with OZY and one Mercury on my
> workbench. This system shows a noisefloor at about less than -130dBm,
> visually. My above mentioned dual system has a noisefloor at about -110dBm
> on both receivers. I have no explanation why a dual system should be worse.
> Any idea?
> 73, Georg, DL2KP


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