[hpsdr] piHPSDR release v1.1.0-beta

Kjell Karlsen la2ni at online.no
Mon Feb 13 13:03:29 PST 2017

Hi John.

Thank you for the update of PiHPSDR!

For a long time I have not had time to follow and test the Beta versions  
but now I have decided to take e look at it. I use the ANAN-200 for  
testing. I had to take Hermes and Apollo out of the box I had with me to  
Fr.hafen but I am going to install them back together with PiHPSDR soon.  
Now the PiHPSDR controller is so good that I might use it as my main  
portable rig!

So far it seems to be fine. I tested the transmitter part of it and I can  
not see any significant delay from I talk and till the RF is going out.  
And the reports I get are very good. I have not tested with 2 receivers so  

I had to swap the outputs from the main encoder to get the tuning right.

I really like the possibility to use all 3 small encoders for different  
functions. That is perfect.

I had one problem after I selected both NR2 and SNB. I also used 192 KHz  
sampling rate as far as I remember. It worked for some time but after a  
while the GUI stopped working. The RX still worked but it was impossible  
to use anything on the controller. I had to remove the power to stop all  
working. After that, when starting, I could hear the RX working but the  
display did not come fully up, only part of it was shown and I had no  
control of anything.

The solution for me was to delete the pihpsdr directory and extract the  
pihpsdr.tar file again and run install.sh. Then everything worked fine  
after a new generation of the wisdom file. I´ll try to avoid using so much  
processing power!

Very good work, John!

73, Kjell

På Mon, 13 Feb 2017 12:41:23 +0100, skrev John Melton  
<john.d.melton at googlemail.com>:

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