[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2018/May/26

AA8K73 GMail aa8k73 at gmail.com
Fri May 25 19:22:53 PDT 2018

The 26/May TeamSpeak mp3 (50 minutes) 64 kbps is available at:

< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx?id=13707 >


< http://www.hamsdr.com/dnld.aspx >

20:30:32> *** You are now talking in channel: "Default Channel"
20:30:37> *** You are now talking in channel: "OpenHPSDR"

21:02:55> "AJ6BC - John": No audio?

21:05:10> "AJ6BC - John": HPSDR Demo at Maker Faire '19 -

AD9361 - 70MHz-6GHz
Lots of platforms
Need to avoid 'full-freight' charge for the Vivado/Mathworks
licenses if possible.  Did talk to Ettus Research today and have 
a question in with Analog Devices.

Themis - Status:
GPS 'telemetry' over USB and BlueTooth/WiFi
Testing with two freq counters - Mini Circuits and BK Precision;
using GPSDO 10MHz reference
Looking good; working on the EFC (electronic frequency control) 
fine tuning.
10MHz 'synthezised' output is available - working on that.
3 New OCXO's recently received from ISO-TEMP - these are 3.3V units
os comments:
Running v10 of FreeRTOS now known as Amazon RTOS and
there are currently nine real-time tasks in the project
and all critical memory allocation is controlled by the RTOS.

The age of AI SDR is upon us:
Has anyone seen the DeepWave Digital -

21:05:24> "AJ6BC - John":
< https://www.crowdsupply.com/deepwave-digital/air-t >
< https://www.deepwavedigital.com/ >

An interesting note - all of these need a disciplined 10MHz 
reference input.

21:06:24> "AJ6BC - John": No sure what's going on with audio as 
it tested OK earlier...

21:08:12> "Bill - KD5TFD": not seeing a blue light for you john 
... some chance you can computer disagree on PTT key

21:08:29> "Bill - KD5TFD": woo hoo

21:13:13> "Bill - KD5TFD": it is

21:13:40> "Bill - KD5TFD": tx2

21:18:51> "AJ6BC - John": Bill - just reinstalled TS - don't 
know what's going on - I'm driving it manually now under config...

21:19:11> "AJ6BC - John": Maybe something wrong with version 3.1.9?

21:20:39> "AJ6BC - John":
< https://www.ettus.com/product/details/USRP-B200mini-Board >

21:25:09> "Bill - KD5TFD": how much code do you want to write ...

21:25:22> "AJ6BC - John": Writing plenty...

21:32:19> "Phil-VK6PH":
< https://wiki.myriadrf.org/LimeSDR-Mini >

21:33:42> "AJ6BC - John": Intel Max 10 - same as Altera???

21:33:48> "Bill - KD5TFD": ya

21:33:52> "AJ6BC - John": Good

21:34:24> "Bill - KD5TFD": wow ... I did not realize how cheap 
the lime mini is

21:37:26> "Bill - KD5TFD":

21:47:27> "AJ6BC - John": Phil - did you ever do any video 
projects with RPi?

21:47:37> "AJ6BC - John": Did Broadcom give you register 
settings if so?

21:48:24> "Bill - KD5TFD": FYI .. this was the talk I saw during 
the week where void * came up:
< https://www.snafucatchers.com/
single-post/2017/11/14/void-Incidents-as-Untyped-Pointers >

21:49:23> "Bill - KD5TFD": you have a machine vision type setup 
checking the pics of dut display?

21:50:09> "AJ6BC - John": Why I religiously run Lint

21:51:40> "Bill - KD5TFD": aw what?

21:52:34> "AJ6BC - John": Amazon AWS

21:52:52> "AJ6BC - John": Let me find a link - I use Code Commit 
all the time.

21:53:06> "Bill - KD5TFD": Ya .. I was joking ... I work for one 
of their competitors

21:53:15> "AJ6BC - John": oh

21:53:28> "AJ6BC - John": < 

21:54:09> "Bill - KD5TFD": neat -- have not looked much at their 
IoT stuff

21:55:03> "AJ6BC - John": New stuff all the time - I used to use 
both GOOG and AWS - but use only mostly AWS now even though I 
spin up a few VM's on GOOG every now and then

21:55:31> "Mike - AA8K": I really like Linux!

21:55:45> "Bill - KD5TFD": ya ... Linux has taken over the world

21:57:32> "AJ6BC - John": Guys - signing off - XYL giving me the 
eye - 73's!  Thanks for the great discussion!

21:57:39> "Bill - KD5TFD": 73

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