September 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Sep 1 13:30:36 PDT 2013
Ending: Mon Sep 30 23:11:18 PDT 2013
Messages: 184
- [hpsdr] Metis
Terry Fox
- [hpsdr] Metis
Terry Fox
- [hpsdr] Trying to get to Walter, K5WH
Terry Fox
- [hpsdr] Trying to get to Walter, K5WH
Walter Holmes
- [hpsdr] Gnuradio Hermes/Metis 3.7.2
Tom McDermott
- [hpsdr] ARRL/TAPR DCC Forum Schedule, Banquet Speaker & Sunday Seminar Announced
Mark Thompson
- [hpsdr] HPSDR Performance Test
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] HPSDR Performance Test
- [hpsdr] HPSDR Performance Test
- [hpsdr] Munin arrives in Latvia!!!
Aivars Straupe
- [hpsdr] ANAN-100D 6 meter reception
Bill Diaz
- [hpsdr] ANAN-100 Cross Band Filter issue.
Bill Diaz
- [hpsdr] User Open Collector Outputs on J16....
Rob Frohne
- [hpsdr] OpenHPSDR mRx Noise Reduction JT65 Effect??
- [hpsdr] OpenHPSDR mRx Noise Reduction JT65 Effect??
Erik Skovgaard
- [hpsdr] 2 Munin kits for sale
Doug Hall
- [hpsdr] Munin kits SOLD
Doug Hall
- [hpsdr] Munin kits SOLD
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] Munin
Byron Engler
- [hpsdr] Munin
Kjell Karlsen
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2013/Sep/07
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] Munin L4 shield material
- [hpsdr] Munin L4 shield material
Kjell Karlsen
- [hpsdr] Wanted - Munin PA kit
Steve Ireland
- [hpsdr] Wanted - Munin PA kit
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] Using PowerSDR with NooElec USB Receiver (TV28-T)
Richard Mogford
- [hpsdr] Using PowerSDR with NooElec USB Receiver (TV28-T)
Aivars Straupe
- [hpsdr] Pacificon 2013
John C. Westmoreland, P.E.
- [hpsdr] KDSP10 kit FS
mike Kana
- [hpsdr] Gigabit Firmware
Dan Mitchell
- [hpsdr] Gigabit Firmware
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Has the way data is passed on changed for multiple receivers?
Rob Frohne
- [hpsdr] Has the way data is passed on changed for multiple receivers?
- [hpsdr] Updated KHRONOS Block Diagram Posted
John C. Westmoreland, P.E.
- [hpsdr] Updated KHRONOS Block Diagram Posted
John C. Westmoreland, P.E.
- [hpsdr] I2C Throughput
John C. Westmoreland, P.E.
- [hpsdr] HPSDR Audio Format
Berndt Josef Wulf
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2013/Sep/14
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2013/Sep/14
John Melton
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2013/Sep/14
dmb at
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2013/Sep/14
dmb at
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2013/Sep/14
Aivars Straupe
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2013/Sep/14
- [hpsdr] FS: Hermes SDR
- [hpsdr] HamSDR back online
dmb at
- [hpsdr] HamSDR back online
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] Updates to the skimmer server interface DLL
Dave Watson
- [hpsdr] Updates to the skimmer server interface DLL
- [hpsdr] SDRstick using OpenHPSDR-PowerSDR
Ken N9VV
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Abhi A
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Bill Diaz
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
mstangelo at
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Clyde Washburn
- [hpsdr] [apache-labs] RE: Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Les Keppie
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Bill Diaz
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Les Keppie
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Les Keppie
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
Mike Seguin
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
Pat McGrath
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
Neal Campbell
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
Robert Lorenzini
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
mstangelo at
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
Ken N9VV
- [hpsdr] USB Blaster
Neal Campbell
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
mstangelo at
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
mstangelo at
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Clyde Washburn
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
William H. Fite
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Michael St. Angelo
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
David R. Wilson
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Abhi A
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Bill Diaz
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Robert Lorenzini
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Jeff Cook
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Neal Campbell
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
- [hpsdr] Fwd: Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Brian Lloyd
- [hpsdr] Angelia_v2.0 firmware and new output_file.pof file
Bruce Beford
- [hpsdr] [apache-labs] RE: Free SDR Software
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] ANAN -10/100/100D - UPDATING your factory installed firmware.
- [hpsdr] ANAN -10/100/100D - UPDATING your factory installed firmware.
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] ANAN -10/100/100D - UPDATING your factory installed firmware.
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] ANAN -10/100/100D - UPDATING your factory installed firmware.
William H. Fite
- [hpsdr] Quartus V13
- [hpsdr] Quartus V13
Rob Frohne
- [hpsdr] Quartus V13
- [hpsdr] Quartus V13
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
John C. Westmoreland, P.E.
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
William H. Fite
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Chris Smith
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Henry Vredegoor
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Hans J Smit
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
James Malone
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Les Keppie
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Roland Etienne
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Larry J on his Dell LT
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Abhi A
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
richardh at
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Georg Prinz
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Isaac Weksler
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Bob Cowdery
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
kurt tausch
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Jeff Cook
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Chris Wilson
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Tim ORourke
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Willi Reppel
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Rick ve3mm
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Neal Campbell
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
William H. Fite
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Bruce Beford
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
amsctalx at
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
- [hpsdr] Recovering well
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
George Medakovich
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Alberto I2PHD
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
dmb at
- [hpsdr] Please Wish Phil - VK6PH - Speedy Recovery
Sid Boyce
- [hpsdr] Speedy Recover for Phil VK6PH
Fritz Berrer
- [hpsdr] A good and fast recovery Phil
Chris Gerber
- [hpsdr] Hi Phil
- [hpsdr] Good Luck Phil
- [hpsdr] A Speedy Recovery
Merv Thomas
- [hpsdr] VHF extension for HPSDR concept
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] VHF extension for HPSDR concept
Georg Prinz
- [hpsdr] VHF extension for HPSDR concept
William H. Fite
- [hpsdr] VHF extension for HPSDR concept
Dave Watson
- [hpsdr] VHF extension for HPSDR concept
dmb at
- [hpsdr] First Cut at Wireshark Plugin
John Sager
- [hpsdr] Mercury Problem
Dave Wilson
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2013/Sep/21
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] Mercury Problem Resolved
Dave Wilson
- [hpsdr] filtering options in FPGA
- [hpsdr] filtering options in FPGA
Warren C. Pratt
- [hpsdr] filtering options in FPGA
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] filtering options in FPGA
- [hpsdr] filtering options in FPGA
Ken N9VV
- [hpsdr] filtering options in FPGA
- [hpsdr] WTB - Munin 100 Watt Amp
Ken Shutt
- [hpsdr] Droid App for HPSDR
John C. Westmoreland, P.E.
- [hpsdr] Apache Labs - ANAN Radios - Warranty - and Recalls.
- [hpsdr] Apache Labs - ANAN Radios - Warranty - and Recalls.
Helmut, DC6NY
- [hpsdr] Apache Labs - ANAN Radios - Warranty - and Recalls.
Brian Lloyd
- [hpsdr] Apache Labs - ANAN Radios - Warranty - and Recalls.
Chris Smith
- [hpsdr] Apache Labs - ANAN Radios - Warranty - and Recalls.
Clive Lorton
- [hpsdr] Apache Labs - ANAN Radios - Warranty - and Recalls.
Alberto I2PHD
- [hpsdr] Link for the DCC Android Seminar Code....
Rob Frohne
- [hpsdr] On my Freedom of Speech - Just a reminder.
- [hpsdr] On my Freedom of Speech - Just a reminder.
Dan Mills
- [hpsdr] On my Freedom of Speech - Just a reminder.
Chris Smith
- [hpsdr] On my Freedom of Speech - etc.
Gary Sitton
- [hpsdr] On my Freedom of Speech - Just a reminder.
- [hpsdr] List etiquette
Steve, G4GXL
- [hpsdr] Fwd: filtering options in FPGA
John Laur
- [hpsdr] Fwd: filtering options in FPGA
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] FLAC compression ratio...
Gary Sitton
- [hpsdr] USB Microphones
Hans J Smit
- [hpsdr] USB Microphones
Isaac Weksler
- [hpsdr] USB Microphones
Hans J Smit
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2013/Sep/28
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] any one need a winford BRK2x13 e mail me off the list
- [hpsdr] Angelia enclosure
Owen, Michael
- [hpsdr] Angelia enclosure
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Angelia enclosure
Jeff Kashinsky W2UA
- [hpsdr] Munin Enclosure
Ken Shutt
- [hpsdr] Munin Enclosure
Dick Faust
- [hpsdr] Munin Enclosure
Helmut, DC6NY
Last message date:
Mon Sep 30 23:11:18 PDT 2013
Archived on: Tue Apr 19 22:48:33 PDT 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).