December 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Dec 1 01:16:52 PST 2010
Ending: Fri Dec 31 18:09:43 PST 2010
Messages: 145
- [hpsdr] Morse transcription project
Chris Albertson
- [hpsdr] Morse transcription project
Chris Albertson
- [hpsdr] Hermes ?
Chris Albertson
- [hpsdr] MicSamples from Penelope
Richard Ames
- [hpsdr] svn server IP changed
Richard Ames
- [hpsdr] [newbie startup] where do i get a power supply for my power supply?
Erik Anderson
- [hpsdr] [newbie startup] where do i get a power supply for my power supply?
Erik Anderson
- [hpsdr] Is panafall supported in psdr/hpsdr?
- [hpsdr] Is panafall supported in psdr/hpsdr?
- [hpsdr] Alex?
Ted Antanaitis
- [hpsdr] Noob LPU question
Dan Babcock
- [hpsdr] MicSamples from Penelope (3)
Dan Babcock
- [hpsdr] Penelope upgrade to Pennylane
Bruce Beford
- [hpsdr] Thanks and Happy New Year
Bruce Beford
- [hpsdr] svn server IP changed
Dale Boresz
- [hpsdr] svn server IP changed
Dale Boresz
- [hpsdr] Morse transcription project
Frank Brickle
- [hpsdr] Morse transcription project
Frank Brickle
- [hpsdr] Morse transcription project
Frank Brickle
- [hpsdr] Magister, Mercury and Pennylane: New Production
Scott Cowling
- [hpsdr] Magister, Mercury and Pennylane: New Production
Scott Cowling
- [hpsdr] TAPR Production Update: Metis and Alex
Scott Cowling
- [hpsdr] Newbie's Question about Metis
Robin Davies
- [hpsdr] An idea for a project
Steven B. Dick
- [hpsdr] Metis Order Page
Gordon & Lois Duff
- [hpsdr] Pennylane
Gordon & Lois Duff
- [hpsdr] [newbie startup] where do i get a power supply for my power supply?
Dick Faust
- [hpsdr] Help needed re. integrating an SDR1000 PA
Paul Fletcher
- [hpsdr] Transmit switch timing question
Paul Fletcher
- [hpsdr] Quick KISS Console question
Paul Fletcher
- [hpsdr] Quick KISS Console question
Paul Fletcher
- [hpsdr] out of band transverter
Domenico Franchino
- [hpsdr] Power Supply
C Frizell
- [hpsdr] Morse transcription project
Rob Frohne
- [hpsdr] Morse transcription project
Rob Frohne
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2010/Dec/04
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2010/Dec/11
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2010/Dec/18
AA8K73 GMail
- [hpsdr] Noob LPU question
Larry Gadallah
- [hpsdr] Metis Order Page
Bernd Gasser
- [hpsdr] Any news from Hermes ?
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Help needed re. integrating an SDR1000 PA
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] HPSDR & Map65-IQ
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Altera Virtual JTAG
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Pennylane
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] MOX bit in C0 for Penelope
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Quick KISS Console question
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] FW: Finally getting around to getting Penelope working:having problems: resolved for now
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Where to inject sub audible tone for repeater access into Janus card?
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Metis update and Happy New Year
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Where to inject sub audible tone for repeater access into Janus card?
Walter Holmes
- [hpsdr] Document about an SDT, a software defined Tx
Alberto I2PHD
- [hpsdr] Hermes ?
Alberto I2PHD
- [hpsdr] Hermes ?
Alberto I2PHD
- [hpsdr] Hermes ?
Alberto I2PHD
- [hpsdr] Is panafall supported in psdr/hpsdr?
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR v1.19.3.1.diversity14 (K5SO 10DEC2010)
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR v1.19.3.1.diversity14 (K5SO 10DEC2010)
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR v1.19.3.1.diversity 14 (K5SO 14DEC2010)
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR v1.19.3.1.diversity 14 (K5SO 14DEC2010)
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR v1.19.3.1.diversity15 (K5SO 17DEC2010)
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] link fixed
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] "Express" USB Blaster version for loading Mercury v6.3
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] PowerSDR v1.19.3.1.diversity 15 (K5SO 19DEC2010)
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] "Release" link fixed for PowerSDR v1.19.3.1.diversity15 (K5SO 19DEC2010)
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Magister Startup
Joe Martin K5SO
- [hpsdr] Metis Order Page
Kjell Karlsen
- [hpsdr] Apollo Beta Builders
Kjell Karlsen
- [hpsdr] Apollo
Kjell Karlsen
- [hpsdr] Magister, Mercury and Pennylane: New Production
Kjell Karlsen
- [hpsdr] Magister, Mercury and Pennylane: New Production
Kjell Karlsen
- [hpsdr] lunch box for sale !
Gediminas Kasparaitis
- [hpsdr] Lunch box for sale (now only Mercury)
Gediminas Kasparaitis
- [hpsdr] WTB Mercury Receiver Board
Jeff Kelly
- [hpsdr] Stupid question re PowerSDR+Janus+SoftRock
Murray Lang
- [hpsdr] Stupid question re PowerSDR+Janus+SoftRock
Murray Lang
- [hpsdr] Stupid question re PowerSDR+Janus+SoftRock
Murray Lang
- [hpsdr] Stupid question re PowerSDR+Janus+SoftRock
Murray Lang
- [hpsdr] Metis available for order at TAPR
Dave Larsen
- [hpsdr] Mercury, Penelope and Alex
Gerd Loch
- [hpsdr] Mercury, Penelope and Alex
Jeremy McDermond
- [hpsdr] Hermes ?
Jeremy McDermond
- [hpsdr] Pennylane
Jeremy McDermond
- [hpsdr] Hermes ?
Jeremy McDermond
- [hpsdr] MOX bit in C0 for Penelope
Jeremy McDermond
- [hpsdr] Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year
Jeremy McDermond
- [hpsdr] Quick KISS Console question
Jeremy McDermond
- [hpsdr] Magister Startup
Jeremy McDermond
- [hpsdr] MicSamples from Penelope (3)
Jeremy McDermond
- [hpsdr] svn server IP changed
Jeremy McDermond
- [hpsdr] MOX bit in C0 for Penelope
David McQuate
- [hpsdr] Newbie's Question about Metis
John Melton
- [hpsdr] HPSDR & Map65-IQ
John Melton
- [hpsdr] Ghpsdr3 problems???
John Melton
- [hpsdr] Subject=Re: Ghpsdr3 problems???
John Melton
- [hpsdr] Ghpsdr3 problems???
John Melton
- [hpsdr] Ghpsdr3 problems???
John Melton
- [hpsdr] MOX bit in C0 for Penelope
John Melton
- [hpsdr] An idea for a project
John Melton
- [hpsdr] Ghpsdr3 problems???
John Melton
- [hpsdr] Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year
Dan Mitchell
- [hpsdr] svn server down?
Andrea Montefusco
- [hpsdr] svn server IP changed
Andrea Montefusco
- [hpsdr] svn server IP changed
Andrea Montefusco
- [hpsdr] [FlexEdge] FW: *Free to Choose* Ebook Deal/Day - $3.99 - All Pocket References - jQuery, Canvas, SQL ...
Jim Fuller - N7VR
- [hpsdr] An idea for a project
Ken N9VV
- [hpsdr] sub audible tones
Ken N9VV
- [hpsdr] An idea for a project
- [hpsdr] svn server IP changed
Mike Pellatt
- [hpsdr] Magister Startup
Ken Shutt
- [hpsdr] Magister Startup
Ken Shutt
- [hpsdr] reducing computer radiated emissions
Mike Stevenson
- [hpsdr] Ghpsdr3 problems???
Aivars Straupe
- [hpsdr] Subject=Re: Ghpsdr3 problems???
Aivars Straupe
- [hpsdr] Ghpsdr3 problems???
Aivars Straupe
- [hpsdr] Ghpsdr3 problems???
Aivars Straupe
- [hpsdr] Ghpsdr3 problems???
Aivars Straupe
- [hpsdr] Ghpsdr3 problems???
Aivars Straupe
- [hpsdr] Hermes Status
Anthony Taylor
- [hpsdr] Hermes Status
Anthony Taylor
- [hpsdr] Stupid question re PowerSDR+Janus+SoftRock
Bill Tracey
- [hpsdr] Where to inject sub audible tone for repeater access into Janus card?
Bill Tracey
- [hpsdr] Metis Order Page
Berndt Josef Wulf
- [hpsdr] HPSDR & Map65-IQ
Berndt Josef Wulf
- [hpsdr] Mercury, Penelope and Alex
Berndt Josef Wulf
- [hpsdr] svn server IP changed
Berndt Josef Wulf
- [hpsdr] Morse transcription project
Greg - ZL3IX
- [hpsdr] Stupid question re PowerSDR+Janus+SoftRock
K1rqg at
- [hpsdr] Finally getting around to getting Penelope working: having problems
george byrkit
- [hpsdr] FW: Finally getting around to getting Penelope working: having problems: resolved for now
george byrkit
- [hpsdr] Where to inject sub audible tone for repeater access into Janus card?
joetorrey at
- [hpsdr] Where to inject sub audible tone for repeater access into Janus card?
joetorrey at
- [hpsdr] Any news from Hermes ?
roland etienne
- [hpsdr] Stupid question re PowerSDR+Janus+SoftRock
roland etienne
- [hpsdr] Hermes Status
roland etienne
- [hpsdr] Hermes ?
- [hpsdr] An idea for a project
- [hpsdr] HPSDR cards/enclosure fs
aa9il at
- [hpsdr] MOX bit in C0 for Penelope
- [hpsdr] MOX bit in C0 for Penelope second
- [hpsdr] MicSamples from Penelope
- [hpsdr] MicSamples from Penelope
- [hpsdr] MicSamples from Penelope (3)
- [hpsdr] MicSamples from Penelope (3)
- [hpsdr] HPSDR & Map65-IQ
Mike - wz5q at
Last message date:
Fri Dec 31 18:09:43 PST 2010
Archived on: Tue Apr 19 22:40:39 PDT 2016
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).