March 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Mar 1 14:31:03 PST 2006
Ending: Fri Mar 31 18:55:18 PST 2006
Messages: 285
- [hpsdr] HPSDR webpage and new reflector
Don AE5K
- [hpsdr] Test Posting to List
Don AE5K
- [hpsdr] About Archives Etc.
Don AE5K
- [hpsdr] Another Annoucement
Don AE5K
- [hpsdr] Archives and a chance to Vote
Don AE5K
- [hpsdr] Admin: Vote results and posting change
Don AE5K
- [hpsdr] hpsdr Digest, Vol 1, Issue 2
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - Watch the TOES!,
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] New Atlas documentation posted 07March2006 (Philip Covington)
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] ATLAS Stackup and Power decoupling
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] Atlas Production Team
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] Atlas Production Team
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] ATLAS Xbus and Ybus Impedances
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] Online Kicad schematic library component generator
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] Bus Terminations
Ray Anderson
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Dan Babcock
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Dan Babcock
- [hpsdr] SDR Linux User Group TeamSpeak Meeting
Dan Babcock
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Dan Babcock
- [hpsdr] - top-posting considered harmful
Eric Blossom
- [hpsdr] [OT] Shipping container overload
Eric Blossom
- [hpsdr] [OT] Shipping container overload
Eric Blossom
- [hpsdr] FX2 / I2C multi-master
Eric Blossom
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Eric Blossom
- [hpsdr] Cypress FX2 + SDCC
Eric Blossom
- [hpsdr] hpsdr Digest, Vol 1, Issue 12
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Phil Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Phil Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] More Atlas stuff...
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] ATX vars Molex, my 2 cents
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - Watch the TOES!, (was proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006)
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] ATX Power Supply 20 VS 24 Pin
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - Watch the TOES!,
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] New Atlas documentation posted 07March2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] New Atlas documentation posted 07March2006 (Philip Covington)
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] ATLAS Stackup and Power decoupling
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Schematic and documentation update 08 March 2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Atlas Production Team
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Atlas Production Team
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Schematic and documentation update for 09 March 2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] File update 10 March 2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Costs - Atlas
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Brief definition of Open Source.
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Brief definition of Open Source.
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Files updated 15 March 2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Ping!
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Lionheart to Atlas bus signals...
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] ATLAS Xbus and Ybus Impedances
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Alpha boards ordered March 28, 2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] Converting a PC Power Supply for External Use
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Status March 29, 2006
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] SVN Update
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] vCOM Virtual Serial Driver - New Installer and Configurator
Philip Covington
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] ATX connector on Atlas bus
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Atlas Production Team
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Costs - Atlas
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] [OT] Shipping container overload
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] [OT] Shipping container overload
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] [OT] Shipping container overload
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] FX2 / I2C multi-master
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] FX2
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] [FX2] link
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Ping!
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Lionheart board
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Lionheart board
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Lionheart to Atlas bus signals...
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Kicad help
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Kicad help
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] New SVN site
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Pinging Lurkers
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Pinging Lurkers
Christopher T. Day
- [hpsdr] Ping
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Ping
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] More Atlas stuff...
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - Watch the TOES!, (was proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006)
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - Watch the TOES!, (was proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006)
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Calling Leon - Come in Leon
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Atlas Production Team
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Calling Leon - Come in Leon
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Atlas Production Team
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Atlas Production Team
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] File update 10 March 2006
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Update?
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Teamspeak Audio - 03-11-06 - Dayton etc.
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] HPSDR front end
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Atlas Alpha Board first offering:
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] New Wolfson Offering
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Costs - Atlas
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Ping!
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Lionheart board
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Lionheart board
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] an aside! Fw: Lionheart to Atlas bus signals...
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Altera Cyclone II bulletin
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [Dayton] Like to see at least one post here every day!
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [Dayton] Like to see at least one post here every day!
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [Dayton] Like to see at least one post here every day!
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Alpha boards ordered March 28, 2006
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] No Touch
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Pinging Lurkers
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Pinging Lurkers
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Bus Terminations
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Converting a PC Power Supply for External Use
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Pinging Lurkers
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Ping
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Pinging Lurkers
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Pic on Atlas
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] Lurker and Atlas
Eric Ellison
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] ATX Power Supply 20 VS 24 Pin
Mark Ericksen
- [hpsdr] Converting a PC Power Supply for External Use
Mark Ericksen
- [hpsdr] Bus Terminations
Mark Ericksen
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
H. Gruchow
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
H. Gruchow
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
H. Gruchow
- [hpsdr] FX2
H. Gruchow
- [hpsdr] FX2
H. Gruchow
- [hpsdr] [FX2] link
H. Gruchow
- [hpsdr] [FX2] link
H. Gruchow
- [hpsdr] [FX2] link
H. Gruchow
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
H. Gruchow
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
H. Gruchow
- [hpsdr] [HPSDR] German BOM
Horst Gruchow
- [hpsdr] [FX2] link
Horst Gruchow
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
Horst Gruchow
- [hpsdr] ATX connector on Atlas bus
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] More Atlas stuff...
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] HPSDR front end
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] FX2 / I2C multi-master
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Lionheart board
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Lionheart board
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Fw: Lionheart to Atlas bus signals...
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Phil Harman
- [hpsdr] [OT] Shipping container overload
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Interim Lionheart board
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Lionheart (updated schematic)
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Lionheart
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Lionheart to Atlas bus signals...
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Fw: Lionheart to Atlas bus signals...
Leon Heller
- [hpsdr] Pinging Lurkers
Chris Hinkle
- [hpsdr] vCOM Virtual Serial Driver - New Installer and Configurator
Chris Hinkle
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] More Atlas stuff...
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - Watch the TOES!, (was proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006)
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - Watch the TOES!, (was proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006)
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] Atlas Production Team
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] Lionheart board
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] Lionheart board
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] Lionheart board
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] Fw: Lionheart to Atlas bus signals...
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] ATLAS PCB fab status ??
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] Converting a PC Power Supply for External Use
Lyle Johnson
- [hpsdr] Ping
- [hpsdr] Ping
- [hpsdr] Admin: Vote results and posting change
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
- [hpsdr] FX2
- [hpsdr] Brief definition of Open Source.
Gerda & Kevin
- [hpsdr] Brief definition of Open Source.
Larry Loen
- [hpsdr] [FX2] link
Robert McGwier
- [hpsdr] Ping!
Robert McGwier
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Robert McGwier
- [hpsdr] Kicad library?
Robert McGwier
- [hpsdr] New SVN site
Robert McGwier
- [hpsdr] [Dayton] Like to see at least one post here every day!
Steve Nance
- [hpsdr] [Dayton] Like to see at least one post here every day!
Steve Nance
- [hpsdr] [Dayton] Like to see at least one post here every day!
Steve Nance
- [hpsdr] Ping
Mike Naruta
- [hpsdr] Pinging Lurkers
Mike Naruta
- [hpsdr] hpsdr Digest, Vol 1, Issue 22
Greg Overkamp
- [hpsdr] ATX vars Molex, my 2 cents
David Queen
- [hpsdr] Ping
David Queen
- [hpsdr] Atlas Production Team
IZ5FCY Roberto
- [hpsdr] FX2 link
IZ5FCY Roberto
- [hpsdr] Lurker and Atlas
Lawrence Stoskopf
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - Watch the TOES!, (was proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006)
Bill Tracey
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - Watch the TOES!, (was proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006)
Bill Tracey
- [hpsdr] Some new pics
Bill Tracey
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] - proposed physical bus/pcb design 03March2006
pvharman at
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
pvharman at
- [hpsdr] Cypress FX2 + SDCC
brainerd at
- [hpsdr] Add Xilinx to the links
dldatwyler at
- [hpsdr] Starting BOM already
lyle johnson
- [hpsdr] Brief definition of Open Source.
lloen at
- [hpsdr] Brief definition of Open Source.
lloen at
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
- [hpsdr] [ATLAS] Gerbers posted...
Last message date:
Fri Mar 31 18:55:18 PST 2006
Archived on: Mon Dec 16 10:39:41 PST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).